Chapter 5

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♛𝕳ope 𝖂ikaelson


I couldn't sleep after Josie had came over. So many things were running through my brain.

Did Caroline force her to come here and play nice ?

Is she lying to me?

Is she being nice to me as a joke?

There are too many variables everything is so far from her usual behavior. This is almost as stressful as the time Lizzie went through an edgy phase for a week and it total messed up the whole dynamic of the group. Thank god that cleared up quickly.

I run my fingers through my hair

She likes my art.......

The idea flickers in my mind like fire.

Wouldn't that seem creepy........No it's personal and people like personal things

I grab my sketchbook from my nightstand and pull the pencil,blender,and eraser from the rings.

I start sketching her soft features.

I spent hours upon hours redoing my sketch making sure it was perfect and when I finally finished it I slipped it under her door.

I hope she likes it, what if she was just trying to be nice when she said she liked my art?

I check my phone its three in the morning.....I should get to sleep I have training a five.

lay wide awake in my bed thinking about the drawing.

"Shit" I mutter climbing out of bed and turning on the shower to get ready for training

Only two hours until she finds the drawing.

What if she makes fun of it or what if Lizzie finds it first. Shit.... I should have teleported it into her pocket... but that feelslike an invasion of privacy.

I slide on my leggings and my grey tank-top and my aged blue hoodie before I check the time.I have thirty two minutes until training so I decide to go for a run to clear my head.

The crisp cool autumn breeze freezes me but as soon as I break into sprint

I contemplate wolfing out , but I know Alaric is going to make it seem like a big deal and then he will ask me if I'm okay,and I'll say "yeah" in a careless tone. Then, he'll drop it, then two hours later I'm down in the office with Emma and she's questioning me about the whole situation. It's an annoying cycle of events. I have thought about not telling Alaric and just turning into a wolf when I felt like. But I didn't want to risk some civilians safety. I consider it for a couple of minutes weighing the choice in my mind. I could hurt someone but I turning into a wolf makes me feel weightless, full, and free. I haven't felt full in my human/witch body since the hollow back when I was seven. My life just kept falling to pieces over and over again and my family was rarely there.

When my Aunts, Uncle,and my dad ran off after spliting the hollow my childhood just ended. It sounds dramatic, but my mom promised me my family she told me stories of my father, the painter and the protecter who loved me with all of his heart. It would be cruel to hold my mother at fault for not being able to bring back my family permanently if anything blame rests on my shoulders I'm the one who made the loss permanent. But enough with the pity party it's to early for me to cry...

Maybe wolfing out would make me feel better...........

I run a little farther into the woods and slowly slide off my clothing folding them and setting them on a nearby rock.

First my hip snaps the pain is electric, primal, its sharp and burning. Then my ankles break followed by my knees and arms. My breaking pained fingers tear into the cold earth still wet from the midnight showers.

I lunge forward fully embracing my form.

I run as fast as my legs can carry me letting my surroundings blur I felt like I didn't have to worry about anything anymore and my only goals were chasing rabits and deer and shreding them in my jaws. Being a wolf I could just let my instincts take over. I've thought about staying a wolf forever, I would be free from any and all responsibilities. But I know if I'm not doing the job no one else is.

But being unwanted sucks....Its something I've always felt whether it was being the only one not being invited to Josie and Lizzie's 11th birthday party or being left alone to grieve the death of my parents. I just wanted to be wanted, to have the picture perfect family you see in the movies. I wanted someone who cares my mom and dad cared but It took me to long to realize. I hated my dad days up until his death and hated uncle elijah until his.

But being a wolf out here is too risky my fur is as white as ash surely a prize for any hunter. And I have been attacked in wolf form before, once by animal control I guess the town finally sent someone in after all the reportings.It was horrifying, My right leg got shot and I had to run with a shot leg to grab my clothes.I was able to clothe myself quickly before animal control came,but the bullet wound hadn't fully healed so they thought they shot me. They took me to the hospital and Alaric totally flipped out.

I look up at the sky it's too bright out to only be six let alone nine in the morning.

I run back to the lake scaling the rocks and climbing aross. I remember my mother used to scold me for using magic to cross the river and how I would have to repeat "I can only jump across the rocks". She hoped that if I kept my bracelets on my magic wouldn't control me. She was terrified of it happening after Camille O'Connell told her about how I as an infant apparently stopped her car moments before an explosion.

I trot to the rock I set my clothes on and transform back. I quickly throw on my clothes hoping I can get back before he sends a search party.

I regret running so far out to wolf out. I have to walk out of the woods along a highway then onto a sidwalk and then up the drive of the school. Around the time I get back to Salvatore School it's noon and the other high school students are scattered across the benchs and front lawn eating lunch.

I quickly hurry to Alaric's office, but someone pulls my shoulder.

"Get off" My eyes glow gold annoyed that I'm probably being messed with

"Sorry"Josie takes her arm off my shoulder

"Sorry, I thought some one was messing with me " I blush.

"Thank you for the drawing it's beautiful" She pulls the paper out of her pocket smiling

"Uh No problem, " I blush and look down "I'm glad you like it"

"HOPE" Alaric yells from down the hallway

"I've got to go" I look up and run towards Alaric

This was going to be a long afternoon..........


I'm freaking out over the new Legacies episode It's so good!!(Not trying to spoil)

Anyways thank you for the votes and comments they mean a lot!

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