Chapter 33

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♛𝕳ope 𝖂ikaelson



Caroline sat and watched my "comfort" movie with me but according to her Nightmare on Elm Street Is not a comfort movie because people usually get blended up in comfort movies. It was funny watching her squirm over something I find hilarious. I remember when I was thirteen and I begged my mom to let me watch Nightmare on Elm Street . I remember her eyes went wide when I first asked. She knew gore never really seemed to bother me and I guess it freaked her out because of Dad. But I guess she had multiple reasons to worry, she often worried about me in social settings. What worried her especially was how fast I could detach from people, and how uncomfortable I got when people cried. I scared her so much just by existing, it broke me to not be what she wanted in that sense. It scares me that they are trying to fix whats already broken. That when they're done trying to put the pieces together I'm still going to have the parts they don't like. I pick at the bug bites on my skin. I saw my mom's final text "My daughter is acting like a freaking alien" That hurt but I technically murdered her so I guess I deserved it. I mean sometimes I do feel like alien.

"Hope" Caroline softly grabs hold of my hand "You're doing it again."

"Sorry" I lay my hand at my side

"Whats on your mind" She looks over.

I don't answer but my hand starts to move back to my scratched skin. She quickly moves to stop me.

"Do you do that when you're nervous" she asks.

"I don't know,I guess." I link my ring fingers together trying to control my habit.

"Would you rather talk to somebody else about it." asks calmly.

"I don't really want to talk about it right now" I try to relax.

"Hey are you okay" She rubs my shoulder.

"I-I just need to talk to Josie" I take some deep breaths

She looks at me cautiously.

"She knows about it all" I lay back in bed "I just want to talk to someone with no ulterior motives for a while."

"We don't have an ulterior motive we just care about you" She pulls out her phone and texts Josie.

I hear her footsteps rushing down the hall and the slowing when they reach my room 

"Hey" Josie peeks her head in through the door.

I grin at her and she walks over and hops on my bed. 

"I'll give you two some space, but if you need me just call." She eyes me and walks out.

"I was so worried." She wraps her arms around me.

"I'm sorry I worried you" I peck her cheek.

"Hey, all I care about is that you're okay" She cups me cheek in her soft hands

"What about you " I place my hand on top of hers "Your health matters just as much as mine" 

"You know just what to say"Josie presses a soft kiss to my lips

"I do don't I" I purr in her ear and casually slide my knee between her legs.

"Mmmm..My mom is downstairs and your family ,and if you've forgotten they are mostly vampire." She holds back a moan and whispers into my ear.

"We could always turn up the Movie." I nibble on her ear.

"Are you sure you're up for this mentally" She turns the movie up

"Just because I'm dealing with shit doesn't mean I'm not horny" I whisper.

" I don't want this to be another thing you have to worry about" She places her hand on my thigh. "We can take our time there is no rush" She hums.

My hands detach from her body and I grow puzzled and I ask "Really"

"Yes of course we can take our time." She looks trying to figure out what I'm thinking.

"Really." I try to process

"Hope I am never going to preasure you into sex, I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you" She holds

"You weren't just dating me for the sex, or because I'm a mikaelson" I puzzle.

"Of course not, I've known you since we were little, you are kind, smart, and so caring who wouldn't want to be with you for those reasons alone" She kisses my cheek.

"You aren't with me because you feel bad for me" I question.

"Hope I'm with you because I love you" She softly presses her lips to mine.

When she pulls away our faces are both blush red. 

"I'm sorry, that was way to fast" She anxiously chuckles

"I love you too though" I peck her cheek.

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