Chapter 18

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♛𝕳ope 𝖂ikaelson


"Hope it's almost time to go" Josie whispers

"I don't want to" I grumble sliding out of bed

"Why not" She asks

"They're going to be all weird and it's been like three years since I've seen them and like two since we've formally talked," I slide a sweater over the blouse I fell asleep in

"Are you mad at me" She asks with a hurt tone

"No,Why" I respond confused

"I-I told my mom about dad.....did"Josie answers awkwardly

I shrug "I'm not happy about what you did but I'm not sure how to feel" I shove some clothes in a backpack" I mean are you mad at me, he was your dad after all"

"Why would I be mad at you" She gets off the bed.

"Your Dad is god knows where." I reply sliding my sketchbook in my bag.

"Thats not your fault"She leans on my bed post

I chuckle.

"What do you mean by that" Josie asks softly.

I look back at her then continue packing "Lets not pretend I'm not a handful."

"You are not a handful and even if  you were you still deserve to be treated nicely and loved, no one deserves to be hit" She defends me.

"Why are you acting like this is such a big deal" I answer annoyed.

"Because it is Hope," She looks at me with concerned eyes" How long has he been doing this"

"I don't remember." I grumble.

She places her hand in mine and whispers softly "Just tell me when you remember." 

I tear drips from my eye "Can I hug you" I ask softly

"Of course" She opens her arms

I hold her tightly.

"Are you ready girls" Caroline opens the door "I can give you two a minute, just please make your way out to the car in a couple of minutes" She leaves us alone.

"Will you come with me, I really would like a buffer between my family and caroline." I ask shyly

"Josie Saltzman, you professional buffer." She pretends to tip a hat.

"But do you have any professional experience" I tease

"Lots of it I am often the buffer for Lizzie at family dinners with her boyfriends. I also have experience in family reunions,Their just a friend, talking to ex's, and Family member trys to talk politics." Josie grins

"Hmmm...I'll bite but how much will it cost me." I shoot a pretend look of confusion

"Cuddles lots and lots of cuddles" Josie smiles

"Are kisses a form of payment," I pretend to look in an imaginary wallet.

"I believe those are redeemable" Josie grins.

"What the hell did I just watch" Lizzie asks confused with a mouth full of poptart.

"Lizzie how long were you there" Josie blushes.

"Like is what they mean when they say nerd porn" She takes another bite of her poptart."Like is this sexy nerd role play or whatever"

My face burns red  "No" I choke out

"Why are you even awake" Josie blushes.

"Mom said she was leaving and I'm in charge until dorian is done getting ready." Lizzie explains and shrugs. "It's so crazy that dad decided to switch with mom and do recruiting missions instead."

"Yeah" Josie quickly hurrys Lizzie out "Well Hope and I have to pack"

"For what" Lizzie throws her pop tart wrapper in hope's trashbin.

"Hope's going to see her family and she would like a buffer for her family and mom" Josie shrugs.

"Good luck Hope, family reunions are weird" Lizzie leaves.

"Are you ok" Josie asks shutting the door

"Yeah why" I ask

"My dad.....Lizzie mentioned him" Josie asks head down.

"Yeah" I shrug  

Josie nods.


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