Chapter 6

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                                                               ♛𝕳ope 𝖂ikaelson


"Where did you even go, you can't just wander off like that especially on a school day" He scolds

"I'm sorry"I roll my eyes

"You realize I'm going to have to call your family" Alaric picks up his phone and dials the numbers.

"Like they care" I laugh "They haven't bother to see me in what is it now three years, and the last time I got a call from them was on my birthday"

Alaric looks up with sorrow in his eyes and sets the phone down "What were you doing"

I hesitate "Don't freak out or think this some huge deal" 

Alaric rubs his eyes "I don't like stories that begin like this."

Its true, it's what Josie said after she crashed her car and what Lizzie said after she got her belly button pierced.

"I just went further into the woods and farther away, so I could turn into a wolf."

Alaric rubs his eyes and sighs "I-" 

I was not in the mood for a lecture or a therapy session so I interject. "I do not need a lecture or a session with Emma I was just stressed out, and I thought about asking you but everytime I do you make a huge deal out of it and I didn't want to deal with that today and I lost track of time and as soon as I realized how late it was I came back"

"Ok no lectures, but please tell me next time I don't want you to get hurt again" He reasons

"Thank you" I pick up my bag to leave

"What has you so stressed out" He asks

"Just stuff" I nod

"Stuff" he repeats in annonyed tone.


"School Stuff, Family Stuff, Feeling Stuff, or Social Stuff" He asks rubbing his forehead

"Relationship Stuff" I huff annoyed by his prying.

He sits there stunned because I haven't dated anyone or considered it since Rowan.

"Whatever I've got to get to my next class" I stand up from my chair

"Hope,take the day off you are more than caught up and I don't want to risk and outburst" He  stands

"I'm not a child I can control myself" I roll my eyes

"I know you could if you weren't an extremely powerful witch with a wolf temper." He follows me as I start to walk out"

"Whatever, I take the day off ,fine" I shoot him an icy glare.

I walk back to my room annoyed that he thinks so little off me. I grow angrier then I've ever been after I've wolfed out. I slam my door open so I hard it punches a hole in the wall. 

"Great" I mumble to myself slamming my door shut and then locking it.

I try to calm myself down from what I know is going to be a full fledged Klaus Mikaelson and First born Mikaelson witch  temper tantrum. I pick up the dinner plate that was still on my desk from the night before and I throw it to the ground watching it shatter and how all the pieces launched it every direction. It felt good but I know I need to stop before I actually cause damage I can't undo. But I'm so angry with him treating me like a child, he has daughters of his own why does he focus so much time on me. 

I grab my purple bulk bottle of paint and slam it into the ground as hard as I can it breaks and splatters paint all over my bed and the floor. He knows it triggers me when people talk about me likea time bomb rather than a person. It makes me afraid, afraid of time passing, afraid of myself, and afraid of my power.  I hate being afraid to the point I've thought about dying and then turning it off just so that I don't have to. But that would prove them all right the least I could do is fight it. But fighting is so exhuasting all I've done is fight and I'm tired.

I look around at the mess I've made and It makes me weep. I bring my arms to my chest and start bawling. Out of the corner of my eyes I see flames consuming my bed and the floor, the noise of the paint popping from the heat of the flame, and the smell of burning papers. I try to stop it but my efforts are hopless...utterly hopeless. I stand there frozen to the ground admist the fire. I can feel it tangle around body like an old lover, how it singes my shoes and stings my legs. 

"Hope" Alarcis voice yells above the flames but I am spaced out and it's like I can't talk, move, or look away.

Caroline runs in with a fire extingushier and puts out the flames around the room.

Then I feel this throbbing in the back of my head and I am brought back.

"Hope are you ok" Caroline asks in a worried tone.

"Yeah" I say looking around my room in shock

Then I look and see a huge crowd surrounding the outside of my door.

"You have a chunk of glass in your leg" Caroline states blankly

I bend down and rip the shard from my leg "Thank you "I state in the same tone.

I look at the group surronding my door again and they look horrified at how I just ripped a chunk of glass out of my leg without flinching.

"Back to class" Alaric says weakly and they all scatter away.

I take seat on my chared bed a wait for him to start yelling.Alaric wrinkles his forehead trying to think of what to say and so does Caroline. Then I remember I had my Dad's Memoir Tucked in my now charred night stand. I spring off of my bed and run to my nightstand digging through burnt paper's, melted pens, and other small trinkets until my fingers reach the soft leathery texture. I slowly pull it out hoping the pages weren't ruined. Once it slowly sifts to the surface I am overcome with relief. I take it in my hands knowing that they are probably going to move me to a different room like the last time it caught on fire. I take a seat back on the bed with the memoir waiting for one of them to say something.

"Hope can we move this to the office so we can sort this out and find you a room for tonight." Alaric say calmly.

I hold the memoir tight and start the walk of shame down to the office.

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