Chapter 23

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♛𝕳ope 𝖂ikaelson


"Hope" Josie whispers into my ear

"What" I tiredly groan turning to look at her.

"No night terrors" Josie whispers cheerfully.

"Its not a big deal, I probably just tired myself out from the one yesterday," I groan

"Oh I see you are more interested in your good morning cuddles" She teases.

"It seems that way, love" I put her arms back around me and she chuckles and kisses my cheek.

"I didn't know we were allowed to kiss while we were taking things slow"I turn my head.

She sighs and looks down "By taking it slow I meant that mental health is the first priority for both of us, a lot has just happened and if you need a break, need to stay with family, or whatever you need, you can do so guilt free and when we are both in a good place we can focus on our relationship more. Does that make sense?"

"I think so" I look over at her again.

"You are allowed to kiss me and we can talk about more physical stuff, but you've gone through a trauma and my main concern is that you get better and once we both do we can focus more on our romantic relationship." She rubs my shoulder.

"I like that plan" I kiss her cheek

"Now we should probably stop, because my mom is asleep like five feet away from us" She giggles and whispers

My face goes beet red "I forgot your mom was here" 

"Me too, I just remembered" Josie laughs quietly. "Do you want to grab breakfast? We can leave a note for my mom and she can join us when she wakes up."

I quickly throw on my hoodie, while Josie quickly writes Caroline a note.

"Hurry, I didn't eat much yesterday" I groan dramatically holding the door open

"Done" Josie runs out the door.

"Why are you running" I rub my eyes.

"I love running in hotels, Lizzie and I used to do it when we were little there was just something fun about running down hallways with tons of doors." She smiles.

"I've never tried it, you dad usually wanted me to stay put in the room." I shrug.

She frowns but it quickly turns to a wide smile "Wait you have never stolen hotel soaps and pens, you haven't swam in the pools in hotels, You haven't road on a baggage cart, or walked around in robes and slippers and pretended you were some fancy business woman" 

"No" I answer puzzled

"Well you will today"She smiles grabbing my hand.

I smile back at her and she shouts " To the breakfast hall"  and then she starts running dragging me behind but not for long, I quickly start to outrun her and I am the one dragging her.

"Oh my god, how are you so fast" She yells as I drag her behind.

"Missions and Morning runs" I stop abrubtly in front of the breakfast hall.

"Let me just catch my breath" She stumbles into the breakfast hall "THEY HAVE OMELETS" She is easily distracted from her breathlessness by the make your own omelet bar. I laugh and walk over to the beginning of the buffet and pile on french toast, a sausage and egg casserole, tomatoes,a cup of coffee, grits and a couple of condiments. Then I make my way to the table Josie is devouring her omelet at. 

"Sorry,I really like omelets" She apologizes mouthfull of food which makes me smile.

"I'll keep that in mind if I ever make you breakfast." I smile pouring syrup into my grits.

"What are those" She looks at my grits.

"Theese are grits, They are like a corn porridge" I answer before gracefully spooning it into my mouth, then I dab my mouth with my napkin and continue "My grandmother Mary used to make it for breakfast sometimes."

Over the course of breakfast she eats about three omelets and drinks two chocolate milks while we make small talk. Then one of the many dreaded questions pops up "Whats your family like?"

 And just when I was about to take a bite out of my casserole, and I was saving it for last. But I set down my fork and answer "Well they are all kind of different from each other,I don't really know how to really answer this." I try to divert 

"Like what are they like, how do the act, what is there personality like, are they serious or fun," She asks taking a sip of a new carton of chocolate milk.

"I haven't seen them in years but,My Aunt Freya can be serious when it's a serious situation but she was like my bestfriend when I was little. We talked about boys, magic, and how I'm probably going to destroy the universe." I expain." My Aunt Rebekah, I call her Aunt Bex though she took care of me when I was a baby. She is the cool and fancy Aunt, who talks about world travel. But Both Aunt Bex and Aunt Freya can be extremely motherly at times." 

I take a couple more bites of my casserole and continue "My Uncle Kol, He's the trouble maker of the family but since he has been married her has calmed down, but even when I was in trouble he would side with me or give me advice. His Wife, my Aunt Davina is kind yet driven, she used to hate my family but in the end I guess things worked out, She would comfort me when I was sad and I think I saved her life when I was little, but I'm not completely sure.Then there's My Uncle/ Adoptive Brother Marcel,  yeah its an odd situation,  He's a fierce protective of the family and he is kind as well, he was the one I would have deep talks with and he often cleaned up my messes." I take a sip of my coffee.

"Do you think they'll like me" She asks shyly

"You are the most kind hearted and caring person I know, of course they'll love you" I kiss her cheek.

She smiles then asks "Do they all eat breakfast as fancy as you do" 

"Everyone except my Uncle Kol and if he has too he'll either be really dramatic about it or will complain" I laugh

"I'm trying to imagine this" Josie laughs

"I hope you get to see it in person" I laugh.

Josie's phone starts to buzz in her pocket, she quickly pulls it out and reads" I have to make some calls to the school to check that everything over there is going ok, and then I'll get ready so we can go, Ballpark we leave in an hour" 

"Sweet we have an hour, we can do all the crazy things you were telling me about" I smile

"Yes, we could totally knock those out." Josie excitedly gets up from the table " We are stealing a baggage cart first" She drags me out of the roo,


Sorry I've been so busy this week and haven't updated earlier, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and If you did please comment and vote, Thank you!

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