Chapter 16

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  ♛𝕳ope 𝖂ikaelson


I am awoken to the urge to vomit again, I slowly lift my head off of Josie's lap trying not to puke all over her. I start retching and puke my guts out for what feels like forever. 

"Hope" Josie asks drowsily but then realizes I'm vomitting and she scoops up my hair and rubs my back "Why didn't you wake me" she asks in a concerned voice.

I lift my head from the toilet and respond "I didn't know how much sleep you got" Then I go back to vomitting the contents of my stomach 

After a minute or so I look at Josie and stand up,"I think I'm done" I groan "What time is it" 

"Seven thirty"Josie looks at her watch.

"We should get ready for class" I yawn

"Hope you are sick" She pouts

"So what does that have to do with it" I shrug 

"Wait, have you been showing up to classes when you are sick" Josie asks puzzled

"Yeah, " I chuckle

"You aren't supposed to!" Josie responds "When did you show up for class sick"

"Remember that day we had flag football in 3rd , then the ancient greece fair in 6th, Test day in 7th, A couple of times in nineth thats was a bad year, none in tenth, and now" I recall

Josie looks in awe as I support myself with my bed post but then she stubbornly responds "Well not today Hope, you are taking a sick day, and If I hear you tried to go to classes I will drag you back here by your ear"

I chuckle raising my hands in surrender "Okay I'll take a sick day"

"Good" She kisses my forehead "Text me if you need anything whether it's for emotional support, homework, or if you think your fever is getting worse."

"What if I just want to see your pretty face" I smile climbing underneath the covers.

She moves my trash bin over to me and smiles "Don't worry I'll see you on breaks in between classes, and if you run off or don't text me when you need me I'm sending my mom after you" She laughs.

After Josie leaves I pick my book of the side table and pick off from where I left off.

A every hour or so Josie runs into my room breathless, and I put thermometer on my tongue and show her, then she makes some rushed small talk before sprinting to her next class.

"Lunch is served" Josie sets my lunch on my nightstand and sets hers on it as well and moves a chair over.

I look over at my grilled cheese sandwich, water, and saltine crackers, it looks delicious but I refuse to eat it.

"Hope why aren't you eating " looks up concerned.

"What if I vomit again" I look at her with fearful eyes.

"But if you don't eat you won't get better, and did you know saltines settle quesy stomachs." Josie argues

I look over at the meal again then I look a Josie.

The bell rings for lunch to end and Josie has to go again but before she leaves she pleads "Please eat something, you don't have to eat all of it"

I unwrap my grilled cheese and take a couple of bites,then I eat all of the saltines and drink my cup of water. I lay down stewing in anxiousness until Josie comes back. 

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