Chapter 34

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♛𝕳ope 𝖂ikaelson



"My mom sat here and watched Nightmare on elm three" She belly laughs "My Mom can barely sit through the old poltergeist," 

"She told me to turn on a comfort movie" I chuckle

"So naturally you turned on Nightmare on Elm Street 2" Josie laughs

"Yes, Its my favorite rom-com" I try to pretend I'm serious.

"What makes it a rom-com" Josie laughs harder.

"Its about a poly couple between the main girl, the boy, and Freddy Kruger. Then Freddy Krugger basically BDSM's a guy to death, it was a kinky movie" I laugh

"Wait stop this is actually kind of true" Josie shrieks.

"See" I howl.

"I didn't know you were such a horror movie fan" Josie trys to contain her laugher.

"Me? I didn't know you were a horror fan" I calm down,

"Horror has been my quilty pleasure since I was fourteen, didn't like it when I watched it, said it made me a psycho." She starts laughing but hesitates when she remembers her Dad was involved in the story.

"Its okay" I pinch hand thinking about how psychotic she would think I was if she knew about all the people killed or hurt.

"Hope" She places her hand on my knee "It's okay if its not okay" 

"Its not that" I look away trying to wipe away tears. "I'm a psycho" I sob.

"You are not a psycho." She trys to hold both of my hands but I pull them away.

"No you don't know how many people I've killed and hurt" I sob. "I've killed so many people"

"Hey that wasn't your fault" She wraps her arms around me. "You were used as a weapon, you were manipulated,it wasn't your fault." She trys to comfort my sobs.

"Hope" Keelin runs over to me and Josie lets go and moves back so Keelin can acess the situation or whatever. "What's wrong" She looks at my eyes and then my shakey clawed hands.

"Is it your hands," She asks but I am inconsolable

"It's okay" She scoops me into her arms and rocks me back and forth letting me cry like a baby. 

Josie decides to leave so that I can have some privacy or so she can give me the option to talk about it later when I'm more collected.

"What caused this" She asks as my tears slow.

"I'm a murderer" I sob into her shoulder hoping my confession will relieve some anxiety.

"No you're not" She rubs my back

The Confession of guilt paired with her flimsy and hole filled argument just made me more anxious and alone "I need Josie" I sob.

She rubs my shoulder and trys to calm me down from my fit

"I need Josie" I gulp back tears squirming in her arms while she tries to hold me but not restrain me.

Aunt Freya runs into the room after hearing my crys.

"I need Josie" I mumble trying to slow down "I need Josie,I need Josie" I mumble anxiously.

Keelin keeps trying to comfort and rock me in her arms while trying to talk to Freya ,but all she gets is glances because I keep squirming. Rebekah runs into the room after hearing all the ruckus. As soon as she gets a look at me she leans against the wall behind Freya. I mumble over and over again trying to be listened to. But nobody answers me they just all look at each other thinking about what to do.

"I need Josie" I screech and twist,struggle,and kick like I've lost my mind. Rebekah quickly gets off the wall and sits behind me so she can help Keelin contain me.

"Hey, look at me" Rebekah cups my face in her hands trying to get my attention while I continue to try and free myself. I look up at her but quickly look away trying to hide my angry tears.

"Darling" She stokes my hair, while I try to avert my eyes from their sad and scared faces.

"It's ok" She strokes my hair.

"Let me go" I choke back tears struggling to get out of their grasp.

"Please Stop" I look up at Rebakah and she sorrowfully looks back down.

"I don't like being held down" I start to cry, Tears drip from Rebekah's eyes and she releases my arms 

"Get Josie" Rebekah chokes out.

Freya quickly scrambles out of the room and returns with Josie moments later. She runs to me and wraps her arms around me, and she whispers in my ear "I'm not scared of you, You are not a psycho killer you are warrior. You aren't evil you care, you care so much."

"Thank you" I whisper in hers.

"No thanks needed,its just the truth." She rubs my back, calming me down.


Well I just tested positive for Covid,on the first week I went back to in person. Well, more time for me to be anti-social and watch American Horror Story and write.

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