Chapter 48

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"You have to scurry off to class my little caterpillar" I lay Josie on the floor and take a seat at my desk.

"Ok"she groans getting up and leaving her comforter on the ground.

I tiredly run my fingers through my hair I haven't slept much in days. I've been trying keep my eye on Josie lately I feel her slipping again or maybe I'm just crazy but I don't want to be wrong.

Everything is just so frazzled right now , but the girls have the impression it finally settled down. I just need them to think everything is ok, because they don't need anymore.  I can't afford the kids missing any more school. I could lose custody unless I compelled the entire department of child services which I'm very against doing.

Alaric has been such a thorn in my side I've thought more than once about killing him. He wants visitation but my thoughts are hell no. The girls swear he was never....gross with them but I don't want to risk it. I especially worry Lizzie got the same type of treatment as Hope because of how frustrated he would get at her when she was having and episode. And of course when I noticed this I told him he'd have to change or I'd swap with him. He corrected himself so fast after that threat ....or I thought he did. We're there others? I emailed our stand in "Emma" to find this out or at least try to.

I remember what it's like being that young and having an older man abuse you. For Hope it was Alaric , for me it was Damon. He had to fight like hell to get me to tolerate being around him after what he did. I'm still not completely comfortable with Damon being around me. What hurt me most is Elena knowing exactly what he did and still going out with him but I guess it's all just ancient history. He's different now he's married with a kid and he does bake sales and coaches soccer. I don't know why I'm thinking about myself when I need to worry about what happened in my absence.

I've called Emma more than a couple times now to see when Hope will be back.I just want to find a new happy normal as soon as possible, because since Hope was admitted the school has just been in some type of limbo. I just want to see Hope and Josie happy together again. I want to be able to protect them both and keep them safe. I want us to make a new family without Alaric where we play board games and have family dinners every Thursday night. I don't want my daughters to feel like they have to lie to me like the way I lied to my mother. I want to be the one they both run too. I wish they all new how much I loved them and worry about them.

Sorry finally back my health problems are kicking my butt.

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