Chapter 13

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         ♛𝕳ope 𝖂ikaelson


I wait for Caroline to say something but she says nothing, I wait a little longer. Her silence makes me cry. 

"Please just say something" I cry "I know I'm crazy but you could at least have the decency to say it to my face" 

"You're not crazy hope," She replys softly and holds me in her arms

"Then whats wrong with me" I cry

It's a question that has burnt in the back of my brain for the last couple of years. It was like an out of tune song that I couldn't forget it. I would remember it when people would reminisce about there childhoods, and I just felt disconnected from them. Or when my family wouldn't see me or even call me even though they had no excuse not to. 

"Hope there is nothing wrong with you, these terrors are not your fault and there are ways I can help." She lets me cry on her shoulder.

"How" I sniffle "I've tried a couple of things but they just,don't work, nothing works,"

"What have you tried?" She asks calmly swiping away a couple tears.

"I've tried making a sleep routine but it doesn't help because I just get really stressed about falling asleep and then I will end up not falling asleep for like five hours." I chuckle sadly.

"I think you should talk to Emma because she is more knowlegable on this topic, but I would happily help you with coming up with a sleep schedule and just being someone to talk to"

"Thank you" I hug her.

"What was that one about" she asks after a moment

"I don't remember, most times I don't, I only knew I was getting them because people have pointed them out, and the nightmares are not as....physical, but I do remember most of the ordeal" I swirl my fries in ketchup.

"That seems scary" She takes a sip of her tea.

"No, really its more embarrassing than scary, I mean some are more scary than embarrassing but it fades." I take a bite out of my fry.


I hung out at Carolines house for the rest of the weekend, we sat around and watched movies and talked. Its weird its like she's been my mom for the weekend. Josie and Lizzie avoided me the entire weekend . Lizzie stayed upstairs or hung out with friends. Josie has been staying at the school and when she was here she avoided me at great lengths, then I think

WAIT did I have a sex dream,I mean I have had dreams about her in that way before but THATS BESIDES THE POINT. Holy Shit what am I going to,  I'm going to fucking cry if I had a sex dream while I was sleeping on top of Josie.

"Hope are you sure you are ready to go back" Caroline ask concerned for my mental wellbeing.

"I'll be good and If its to much I'll call" I dramatically sigh.

"Good, because I worry"she hugs me

"Lizzie hurry up" Caroline yells up the stairs for the second minute

"Geez stop yelling" Lizzie walks down the stairs hoodie covering the majority of her face 

"Are you hungover" Caroline tries to open Lizzie's hoodie

"Ugh I'm going in the car" Lizzie drags her backpack on the ground.

"Sweet Jesus" Caroline sighs walking out to the car. 

I quickly run to the backseat of the car because Lizzie stole the front seat.

"Lizzie we will talk later" Caroline sighs

"Whatever" Lizzie puts her feet on the dash and puts her earbuds in

Caroline lets out a sigh

I hold my dad's memoir close to my chest.

"Are you sure you are ready," Caroline looks in the mirror.

"Yes"I smile nervously

"Just tell me if you change your mind" She looks back at me in the mirror again.

"I will" I smile.

She stops and front of the school

"Bye" Lizzie pushes the door with her foot and drags her backpack

"We will talk about this later" Caroline yells after her.

"Have a good day hope" She smiles looking back.

"You too" I smile and shut the car door.

"Lol one weekend with my mom and you have already gone from rabid wolf to puppy dog " Lizzie chuckles

"Shut up, you're hungover" I roll my eyes

"So, doesn't make me wrong" Lizzie laughs.

"I hate you" I roll my eyes again

"You too" She mimic's me and runs off

"Screw you" I mumble.

I walk into the front entrance to see Alaric waiting for me with his arms crossed.

"Hello" I look down.

"We have a mission, leave your stuff on the sofas, then get in the car" He grumbles.

I nod, trying not to shake from anxiety and I set my bag and book down and walk to the car.


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