Chapter 35

902 46 5

♛𝕳ope 𝖂ikaelson



After a while I was able to completely calm down and Josie and I just talked about dumb simple stuff. It was nice to talk about simple stupid things, like how could the invisible man see color because light has to bounce off of your eyes but he's invisible?? Then we talked about weird things we associate with other things like how when I hear the word high school I think of the color teal, grilled cheese, and nerd ropes. 

"No but what is your grudge against dragons" Josie laughs

"I don't know I just don't like them they seem unrealistic" I chuckle

"You've literally seen a dragon in real life, and if you're talk anatomy wise you've seen giraffes right" She argues.

"I just don't like dragons." I argue back.

"Girls" Rebekah peaks her head in the room and knocks on the door frame.

"Being in the room kind of defeats the point of knocking" I shoot her a puzzled look.

"Dinner time" She leaves and I glare at the now empty door frame

"Whats wrong" Josie asks climbing off my bed.

"Many things" I hold my gaze on the door frame.

"Please be more specfic" She walks over to the side I'm still sitting on.

"I'm mad at her" I mumble

"Why" she asks.

"It's not just her, I'm just upset about everything and I want to blame them all" I answer vaguely. "I want to blow up when I see them"

"I could tell them you're too tired to join them" She strokes my hair

"No it's fine," I sigh taking her hand and shut the door to my room. We walk down the staircase and everyone except for Caroline is avoiding eye contact with me. I take the same seat I had before, but Freya's sitting at the table so I don't start drinking again. I look down so I don't have to catch them staring and then trying to turn away quickly. Soon I hear them all sit down at the table but it's still silent, after a couple of minutes I'm done with it. I push my chair away from the table and walk off.

"Hope" Rebekah calls after me

"What, now you want to talk to me" I turn around with so much emotion my empty chair at the table falls.

"Hope-" She starts 

"No you will not pity me or treat me like I'm defective or like I'm a sick child who doesn't know better," I growl causing the silverware on the table to bend and jump.

"Hope calm down"Freya 

I cruelly growl "You have all lost the right to tell me what to do" I make their drinks boil over.

"Hope-" Kol warns.

"No, no, I do not have to listen to a thing you say." I shake my head and my eyes fill with tears, "None of you were there when I needed you, I was all by myself, I was just a kid. I let him hit,punch, kick,and scream at me because nobody told me what he was doing was wrong. Nobody checked in on me, now you just want to fix me because you feel quilty.None of you have the right to make me feel like a freak" I walk up the stairs and Josie runs after me. 

I open the door to my room and Josie quickly shuts it behind us while I pace the room.

"Come here" She opens her arms to hug me. I sink in her arms and try to hold back my tears.

"Let it all out" She kisses my forehead and I start bawling my eyes out.


Sorry this chapter is short, I had a lot of work to catch up on and I have to wake up in four hours.Anyways thank you for the votes and comments.

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