Chapter 12

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           ♛𝕳ope 𝖂ikaelson


I can't believe this happened here. I know it's not my fault and whatever but it still doesn't make it any less embarrassing.

I turn on the shower and slowly slide off my clothes letting the water heat up.

I'm hoping taking a shower gives them enough time to stop freaking about my nightmare or whatever it was. It's not like I even remember most of them anyway. They aren't as bad as everyone thinks they're more inconvenient in the sense I get odd looks or refuse to go to fall asleep for a couple of days.

I slowly climb into the shower, and I am met with scalding hot water that burns my skin. I turn it down, but it still was hot enough that it was burning.

Emma and I talked about these nightmares or night terrors is what I think she called them. Anyways she was worried about them and told me meditation could help. And I thought that was a huge load of shit, meditation just has never been me it's hard to focus on just my breathing when so much is always happening. I told her it worked and she left me alone.

After a couple of minutes, the water is too hot for me to remain in. I grab my towel but I am overtaken by dizziness. The only thought that urgently crosses my mind is 'You need to lay down or you will pass out'. I wrap my towel around me and I lay down on the cold tile floor.

Well this embarrassing

I sigh beginning to cool down. I know I was focusing on how embarrassing it was to have a night terror in front of Caroline, Josie, and Lizzie. But I'm also wondering why Josie wasn't with me on the couch or near me. I try to tell myself that she only got up to eat, but part of me thinks she only laid with me was because she felt forced or pitied me. These thoughts made my throat ache. I pull myself off the bathroom floor and open my backpack to pull out the clothes I hastily packed.

I pulled out a giant t-shirt and layered it on top of my hoodie and put on some volleyball shorts underneath. I pulled my phone and earbuds out of the bag and walk downstairs.

Lizzie and Josie watch me carefully as I walk down the stairs.

"Your food is in the microwave, and your shake is in the fridge" Caroline clears her throat.

"Thank you" I nod grabbing my food and taking a seat next to her. I plug my headphones into my phone and only put one in my ear trying not to seem to rude. I push play and I start eating, loosing myself in the music. The lightness of it compared to the irritating silence of the kitchen.

Lizzie finishes her food and then walks upstairs, Josie finishes her soon after and walks upstairs after.

"How long have you been having those" She asks 

"Every now and then for the past couple of weeks" I take a bite out of my burger.

"Please don't lie to me, your father had the same tell" She says softly.

"I used to have them about the hollow very often when I was little,Emma used to make me talk about them, but I didn't want to so after a while I told her that they stopped. I was kind of right I mean the slowed down I would get them only like once every couple of months. Sometimes I would have nightmares about my dad ripping my throat out or other peoples throats out." I look over at her to see a shocked expression that she was strugling to contain so I lower my head and continue. "I mean that wasn't really often either, After my mom was kidnaped I started getting dreams of her and after she died they got worse, I mean I basically watched her get tortured by someone I trusted. And after my dad and uncle I had dreams that I..killed them, it was horrible. It got better and then I heard that my father wouldn't find peace until I did. I dreamt about him being tortured and horrified because I couldn't find peace. Then I plunged into malivore and It was awful,cold, and dark, I didn't know how much time had passed and it drove me crazy. Malivore is worse then the concept of hell, you would beg for someone to burn or stab you just so that you could feel something besides cold. And I never knew if I was ever going to leave. Everytime I woke up and It was dark I'd freak out and hide under my covers like a scared child. I swear this is the first one in months!" I finish my milkshake.


Well I just got back from torturing the readers on my other story and all I have to say is you are next :D 

Anyways thank you for the comments and votes.

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