Chapter 27

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❁𝒥osie 𝒮altzman❁


Around the second course she started to get restless,and by the third course she was holding back giggles while she discreetly running her hand up and down my thigh. But by the forth course of the meal she was an absolute mess, she could hardly contain her laughs. But she totally lost it when she tipped over her water glass.

I nudge her knee under the table, but she won't stop laughing, everyone else is trying to figure out what is going on but only Kol is brave enough to ask or I guess blissfully unaware of the situation. 

"Hope whats so funny" he asks which causes Freya to face palm

"What did I do" He looks over at Freya then Rebekah.

"I tipped over the glass"Hope giggles picking it up and then slamming it into the table.

Everyone jumps about three feet in the air and Nik starts crying.

"She's a little tipsy" I sigh ask Keelin comforts Nik

"Hope was fine during course and Marcel was in here a couple of minutes before we all sat down" Kol tries to figure out

"As soon as Marcel left she dumped out her cup of water and started pouring wine into I tried to take it away and when I did she just drank it straight from the bottle." I sigh.

"Narc" She giggles

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier" I apologize. "Let me clean it up" I try to gather the glass shards in my napkin.

"Let me get it, and it's not fault" Rebekah she takes the napkin from me.

"I can get it, I can do it myself" Hope sighs picking up the glass with her bare hands.

"Hope stop"Rebekah tries to get hope to stop picking them up, but it's too late she's already hurt  .

"Hope" Rebekah sighs holding her cut up hands." Come with me to the kitchen" She guides her to the kitchen while she stumbles and laughs at her own clumsiness.

We all sit in some what of an awkward silence while Freya cleans the table

Soon Rebekah comes backs with hope balancing on her.

"I'm going to take her upstairs so she can sleep it off" Rebekah picks her up bridal style

"This is demeaning, I can walk up the stairs myself" She scowls

Kol trys to hold back his chuckles 

"I know you can, but I'm just trying to help" Rebekah responds patiently

"I don't need help, I can take care of myself" She growls.

"I know" Rebekah carries her up the stairs while she squirms.

We all try to go back to eating our dinner but our eyes are drawn to hope's door, wondering if she is ok.

Freya and My mom try to start conversations but the conversations are not engaging anyone.

So, I quickly finish my dinner and go to the guest room Freya said I could stay in. I pull my phone out of my pocket and text her to see if she's ok. She doesn't answer so I stare and the ceiling letting myself fall asleep.


Thank you for the votes and comments, sorry this chapter was so short!

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