Chapter 31

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♛𝕳ope 𝖂ikaelson



I drowsily awake from sleeping on the balcony, which was as uncomfortable as it sounds. I walk inside, stretching while walking to grab breakfast downstairs. The house is still mostly asleep, which is nice considering I was drunk last night and most likely made a fool of myself.

"Hello" I walk past who I assume is Aunt Freya and Aunt Rebekah, to pour myself a cup of coffee.

"Maybe you shouldn't have caffeine, it's bad for anxiety" Aunt Freya sugests

"What are you my mother." I laugh taking sips of my coffee then turning around greeted by their horrified expressions. 

"What" I chuckle desensitized  "I can't make those jokes anymore,"

"I would prefer it if you didn't" Freya is the first to speak up.

"You're no fun," I smile taking a sip of my coffee "So I can tell by the way you are tip toeing around me, you have some sort of plan.

"I-" Freya starts but I quickly cut her off.

"Don't think about manipulating me into some intervention," I roll my eyes setting my cup in the sink.

"We aren't trying to manipulate you into anything, we however do want to spend time with you, I'm not going strong-arm you into talking about anything, but I think it would be beneficial for both of us to talk about it but if you need more time thats fine" Freya explains.

 I roll my eyes again "Great, I'm going back to my room"

"About that" Freya stands up from the table"Caroline brought certain behaviors to my attention and I don't feel like it's safe to leave you unattended for long."

"Great so I'm just being babysat for however long you are going to force me to stay here" I growl.

"Hope I care about you and I want you to get better" Aunt Freya sorrowfully looks me in the eyes.

"Yeah whatever." I sit down at the table upset that I came downstairs.

"Good Morning Hope." Keelin smiles entering the kitchen with Nik in the stroller from their morning walk.

"Morning" I groan

"I take it you didn't sleep well" Keelin takes Nik out of the stroller.

"I slept..okay, I'm just being held hostage." I sigh."I'm going to go paint and whichever warden decides to tag along is fine" I walk up  to my room with Freya following me.

I go to my dresser and grab my folded paint shirt and then set up my art supplies in the order I like them in. It's an odd ritual but it helps me calm down and get into a creative headspace. Then I slide on my paint shirt and start to paint letting my self get lost in thought and memory.

"What are you painting" Aunt Freya asks after about an hour or two of silence.

"Just a forest I was in a couple of days ago" I answer blankly still focusing much of most of my energy on the painting.

"Why were you in the woods?" Her face wrinkles.

"I was on a mission" I reply bored with this conversation

"A mission?" She repeats still confused.

"Yes, a mission," I sigh.

"What are these 'missions'" She asks

"Its when we got a report that something is wrong" I boredly explain. 

"On missions like you fight people?" Freya asks

"Yeah" I try to focus on my painting.

"Do you kill people?" She hesitates

"Sometimes" I answer emotionlessly.

"Who would go on these missions?" She asked calmly

"Mostly it was just me and Mr. Saltzman, sometimes he brought other students but that was rare." I answer mixing my paints.

"Are the missions in mystic falls?" She asks carefully

"Most of the time no, a lot of times they were out of state."  I rinse my brush.

"How long have you been going on these missions?" Freya asks holding back a breath.

"Since Mom and Dad died" I say emotionless.

"Did he do anything?" She asks calmly.

"No, he didn't do anything like that," I lie in annoyed tone.

What I said was mostly true...I mean sure a couple times when he was drunk he got handsy with me,but it was never anything huge...sometimes it was a brush of my skirt, others times it was his hand running along my body, but I always ran off before it went too far.

"Hope" She asks somehow standing next to me "Are you ok"

"Yes why not" I attack.

"Hope, you were zoning out, I don't mean to make you mad but I'm asking again did he touch you" She asks looking into my eyes .

"Mr. Saltzman at times could be a handsy drunk" I admit looking away and continue painting "It was never as intimate as you are probably thinking, It was just small things here an there like a brush of the skirt,or sometimes he would run his hands along me." I try to act like it wasn't the most revolting memory to recall.

I look over at Aunt Freya and tears are softly falling from her eyes.

"Please don't cry it was lie, just forget it" I slam my painting to the ground and start angerily putting my art supplies up. I couldn't stand to see her looking at me like I was a scared defenseless victim.

"It wasn't a lie,was it Hope " She firmly asks me trying compose herself.

"So what if it wasn't, but if it was you wouldn't be looking at me like that" I snap tears streaming down my face.

She stares at me sorrowfully and then pulls me into a tight embrace and I start to sob like a child who has skinned their knees.


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