Chapter 28

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❁𝒥osie 𝒮altzman❁


"Josie" "Josie wake up"

"Hope what are you doing here" I ask turning on my lamp.

"I don't know I missed you" She rests her head on my knee. "I'm sorry for getting wasted earlier" 

"Its ok"I cup her cheek "Just don't do it again, I like you better sober anyways."

She sits up and tears fill her eyes

"Hey whats wrong baby" I sit up .

"Nothing" She turns her head so I can't see her tears.

"Hey come here" I lay down and motion for her to lay down with me.

She crawls next to me and lays her head on my upper chest.

"Did you have another bad dream" I whisper rubbing her back

"Yeah, Aunt Rebekah was asleep, and I saw your message and I don't know what I was thinking" She looks me in the eyes until she doubts herself

"What was it about"I ask as she wraps her arms around me and I do the same.

"I-I don't want to talk about" Small tears drip from her eyes "I don't want to be this way" She whimpers and tears start streaming from her sad eyes.

"Hey come here, you're shaking" I sit up and I help her into my arms.

She tries to take deep breaths to call down but it just makes her more upset.

"Hey whats wrong" I rub her back

"Everything, It just so much" She cries overwhelmed tears. "Everything is falling apart" Her breath hitches and she chokes out for air.

She climbs off of me and starts fidgeting intensely, pulling the loose threads out of her hoodie. But she quickly jumps up and starts pacing the room then she runs to the corner of the room and just presses herself into it. She tucks her knees into her chest and tightly wrapping her arms around them and then setting her head on her knees.

"Do you need me to get someone" I ask getting out of bed and standing five feet away.

"I don't know" she crys

"I'll get your Aunt Rebekah, is that ok" I run to the door.

"Sure" She covers her mouth trying to cover her sobs.

I open my door carefully trying not to wake up anyone else. I tiptoe down the hall to Hope's room and open the door. I contemplate how to wake her up, but I finally decide to tap her shoulder.

"What is it, Love" She answers rubbing her eyes. "Where's Hope" she becomes more alert.

"She had a nightmare and didn't want to wake you up,so she came to the room I'm staying in" I whisper. "She's having trouble calming down from it"

"Which room are you staying in" Rebekah quickly gets up

"I'll show you" I speed walk down the hall to my room.

Rebekah opens the door and looks around the room until she spots Hope in the corner.

"Hope" She slowly approaches her 

"I can't breathe" She sobs 

"Hey, its ok dear, You are safe, I promise, I'm right here and I won't let anything happen, now can you take some deep breaths for me."

She lifts her head from her knees and looks up letting her head rest on the crease in the wall and she starts taking deep breaths.

"Good" She softly praises as Hope's heart rate goes down.

"I'm ok, now" She unintentionally whispers.

"I'm going to take you back to your room and run you a bath and then we can talk or we don't have to right now." Rebekah whispers and hope nods in responce

Rebekah helps Hope to her feet and they both slowly walk out of my room but not before she whispers a thank you to me.


Thank you for the votes and comments they mean a lot!

Also a special thank you to @thevampirediariesuni for the story ideas they are always super helpful!!

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