You Are Scared Of Your Wife

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‼️Flash forward continues‼️
*You and Bucky walk to the lab where Winnie is.. you walk in and Grant turns around and smiles.. he rushes o eat and wraps you in a hug*
Y/N- oh Grant... *Tears stream down your face as you hold him tighter*
Grant- Hey mom! *He cry's too.. you pull back and look in his eyes*
Y/N- My little Wolf.. *He chuckles and wipes the tears as he hugs you again.. you let go and move toward Winnie... you sit beside her bed and Bucky stands behind you, he rests his hands on your shoulders.. Thor sits on the other side.... Winnie slowly wakes up and sees you... she starts to cry and she shoots up and hugs you*
Winnie- I'm sorry for leaving you there... I'm so sorry..
*You hold her tight and rub her hair*
Y/N- I know Winnie.. but it all worked out the way it was supposed to..
*You pull back and rest your forehead against hers.. you place your hands on either side of her head*
Y/N- We make it... *You kiss her forehead and she smiles... she sits back and sees Thor... she almost leaps off the bed into his arms*
Winnie- I *kiss* missed *kiss* you *Kiss* so *Kiss* much!!! *Kiss*
*Thor laughs and holds her tight.. he rubs her back and the kisses her*
Thor- I've missed you too.. I love you Winnie James
Thor- I love you too... how's our baby *he smiles*
Winnie- good *Winnie looks at Grant and he nods* really good! Growing and moving like crazy... *Thor smiles and rubs her belly* actually I need to talk to you.. alone.
*You all nod and give them a moment.. Bucky hugs Winnie and kisses her head*
Bucky- Im glad you're back and safe sweetie
Winnie- Me too dad..
*She smiles as they leave and then she turns to Thor... she explains about lifting the spell and how sorry she was that he missed the first kicks.. Thor understands and he's just happy that the baby is healthy... then they get to the real dirt*
Winnie- so...
Thor- So..
Winnie- I found past you..
Thor- oh... okay.. well did you two have a good time together?? *Winnie examines Thors face and he is genuinely curious and he doesn't seem to have any jealousy in his eyes*
Winnie- Uhm yeah.. yeah we did.. *Thors face falls slightly.. if she wasn't trained on it she wouldn't of noticed* once, just once. *Thor try's to hide his smile but he is unsuccessful* we kissed quite a bit but it only went further once..
*Thor smiles and kisses her*
Thor- well I'm glad you found some comfort while you were gone..
*She smiles and nods.... She leans in close*
Winnie- It was nice... but let's just say you get way better with age... *She winks and rubs his chest.. he chuckles*
Thor- Thanks for humoring me... *She laughs and he kisses her* so.. you wanna join the others or-
*She kisses him and pulls him in the bed with her*
Winnie- I haven't been properly fucked/
Thor- Winnie you know how I feel about that crude phrase...
*Winnie sighs and thinks for a minute*
Winnie- Wrecked??
Thor- better!
*She smiles and pulls him close*
Winnie- I haven't been properly wrecked in almost a year... my family can wait...
*Thor laughs*
Thor- Agreed!
*They tear into one another and make up for lost time*

*You and Bucky are sitting in the main room.. he is holding you in his arms and you are just enjoying the moment.. Grant and the other 4 come walking in*
Elizabeth- Mom! Dad!
Odette- hey have y'all informed Grant about the-
Jonnie- if they haven't don't spoil it!
Ben- yeah!
*You and Bucky laugh and Grant looks confused*
Grant- Umm what's going on??
*Steve and Nat walk in*
Steve- he we just got back into town... Sarah!
*She runs over and hugs her parents*
Sarah- I was wondering where y'all were!
Nat- We finally to a vacation.. it would be our luck that our kid jumps back in time and finally comes home while we are gone!
*Sarah laughs and hugs Nat again*
Sarah- I missed you mom..
Nat- I missed you too kid..
*They are both crying and Steve walks over and hugs Grant*
Steve- Hey! How are you?!
Grant- Good! Good... um actually I need to talk to you and Aunt Nat.. and mom and dad..
*Sarah shoots him a look, no one notices and Grant backtracks a little* not right now but at some point today or tomorrow..
Steve- Sure thing!
Nat- Yeah.. tomorrow's probably better
Y/N- so where did Morgan run off to??
Grant- As soon as we got back she left to go find Uncle Tony and Aunt Pepper..
Bucky- oh.. we just haven't seen her..
Sarah- she mentioned going up to her school and getting all the work she missed..
Y/N- oh okay... she's so smart, she doesn't need all those degrees but whatever makes her happy!

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