They Are Exhausted

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*After you left, Steve and Nat started to get a taste of parenthood. Sarah started crying and she wouldn't stop unless she was being held. She also wouldn't sleep unless Nat or Steve were holding her. Which they don't mind but she woke up screaming at 10pm and woke Nat and Steve up. Then she had some trouble nursing, finally when she finished she needed to be changed and Steve didn't do it fast enough and she peed on him.*
Steve- she peed on me!!
*Nat just laughs*
Nat- I need to sleep but she won't sleep unless I'm holding her..
Steve- I know, I'll hold her. Maybe that will
calm her down..
*They try but she won't stop crying... 2 hours later and she is still whining but she's not screaming. Steve and Nat will take it*
Steve- I'm so tired..
Nat- you're tired?!?
Steve- yes!
*Nat rolls her eyes... Sarah starts screaming again*
Steve/Nat- call y/n...

*Bucky is asleep and laying in your arms.. you are asleep until your phone starts ringing. You pick it up and see that it's Steve.. you smile and answer*
Y/N- Hey Steve, what's up?
Steve- Umm we- Sarah is- we-
*You hear Nat and then a struggle for the phone then you hear Nat*
Nat- I need help. She won't stop crying, she's not nursing for long, she won't sleep, and she's already peed on Steve..
*You smile and laugh to yourself. You remember that first night with Grant, it was rough.*
Y/N- okay, Nat listen to me... did you bring any of those swaddles??
Nat- yes!
Y/N- make sure she's in a dry diaper and then nurse her. She will eat when she's hungry and she will figure it out, I promise. Then wrap her in the swaddle and lay her in the little bassinet they gave you. Then you're going to very gently rock the bassinet. Go ahead, I'll wait..
Nat- okay *They do as you said and Sarah slowly starts to fall asleep.*
Steve- She's asleep!
*Nat smacks him because he yelled. Thankfully she didn't wake up*
Nat- what- how- why-
Y/N- some babies love being swaddled and held while they sleep. To her the swaddle feels like you are holding her. Now Nat, you're gonna go take a shower.
Nat- No I can't-
Y/N- yes you can. Go take a shower and Steve you are gonna help her.
Steve- someone has to watch Sarah-
Y/N- She will be okay.. pull her bassinet to where you can see her through the door and make sure the door to Nat's room is shut.
Steve- okay..
Y/N- you're gonna help her shower and get dressed then y'all are going to go to sleep.. sarah may wake up in a couple hours needing to eat and what you do is you keep her swaddled, nurse her, burp her, then lay her back down. Odds are she didn't wet enough to change her so leave her swaddled. Once she's been fed you lay her back down and rock the bassinet again... she should go back to sleep. Okay?
Nat- yeah.. okay..
Y/N- Nat it's gonna be okay.. and remember if she cries that is okay... you did nothing wrong, sometimes babies just cry..
*You hear Nat sniffle and then she answers you*
Nat- thank you Y/N... I needed that.
Y/N- okay, are y'all okay??
Steve- yeah.. thank you y/n..
Y/N- you're welcome.. call if you need anything, my phone is on.
*They hang up and you look down at Bucky. He has woken up and he was just admiring you as you helped out your fellow new mom.. you smile and he leans up to kiss you.. he moves up and boxes you in with his body. He kisses you and pulls back*
Bucky- have I told you today how amazing you are?
*You smile and shake your head.. Bucky chuckles and leans down.. he kisses you*
Bucky- you are absolutely amazing and how you are always ready to help others is amazing.. I love you..
*You take his face in your hands and gently run your thumb over his cheek and his mouth*
Y/N- I love you too Bucky..
*You slowly reach for the hem of your shirt, really his shirt and you slowly lift it off.. Bucky stays balanced above you and watches as your body slowly appears from beneath the burgundy fabric.. his eyes are filled with so much love at he takes in your body below him. Your postpartum body is a touchy subject sometimes but Bucky always strives to make you feel loved and desired and that helps you through your rough days. He leans down and his chest rest against yours and takes you in his arms*
Bucky- you okay? You're not too tired??
Y/N- I'm okay *You kiss him and rub his back.*

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