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Pulchritudinous. An adjective, meaning beautiful.

It's strange how a difficult and obnoxiously long word means something short and simple.


"Beauty is earned not given." A quote my grandmother used to say.

In my eyes everyone is beautiful. Some people just simply have ugly souls. Attitude and demeanor impact beauty, along with actions and words. For instance if you use ugly words, someday that will be used to change your exterior.

Though there are simpler words one can use to describe or compliment someone like, pretty, handsome, or charming, this word has always been my favorite.

"Too easy!" One of my fellow classmates yell.

I stand before the class along side Anne, Tillie, Moody, and Gilbert.

"Spell "amorous." Mr. Phillips calls out.

Tillie smiles confidently. "Amorous. A-M-O-R-U..."

"Ah... wrong!" He yells. Tilly sighs and goes back to her seat. "Spell "gorgeous."

"G-O-R-G-I..." Moody gets cut off by the teacher.

"Argh! Sit down, you butcher of beauty. Ostracize?"

"O-S-T-R-A-C-I-Z-E." I sigh.

"That would seem to be correct." The class cheers. I glance at Gilbert who has a smug smile on his face.


"H-A-U-G-H-T-Y." Gilbert calls out, holding eye contact with me.


"C-A-L-L-O-U-S." Anne says.


"P-E-N-I-T-E-N-T." I continue to stare at Gilbert.




"P-E-R-S-E-R-" Anne gets cut off by Mr. Phillips.

"Incorrect Shirley." He calls. She huffs and stomps back to her desk.




Gilbert smirks before spelling. "Easy. A-D-A-"

"Incorrect!" Mr. Phillips interrupts.

My face flushes and I turn away from the boy.

"Ada, you won!" Diana yells.

I blink nervously as the class cheers. Gilbert shakes my hand.

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