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Comfort. An verb. Meaning, to soothe, console, or reassure; bring cheer to.

Sunday arrived fast. The minister preached a wonderful sermon. The night before had been restless, leaving me sleep-deprived. As the minister's words blended into a comforting hum, fatigue overcame me, and I unintentionally dozed off, my head finding a subtle resting place on Gilbert's shoulder. The quiet sanctuary of slumber briefly shielded me from the world.

When the service concluded, Gilbert gently nudged me awake, and I offered a quiet thank you, appreciating his understanding. However, our return to the outside world ushered in a silent state between us, the unspoken words lingering like echoes of the sermon.

As we exit the church, the Sunday sunlight casting a warm glow, Gilbert glances at me and breaks the lingering silence. "Ada, did you catch the minister's message? It seemed quite impactful."

I respond tersely, the exhaustion evident in my voice. "You're hilarious, Blythe." He nods, sensing the curt tone.

We start to go down the steps but all of the girls have gathered in front of us.

"Uh... hello?" Gilbert says awkwardly.

"Anne has a question." Josie snaps making Anne whip her head around to face her. They bicker quietly before looking back to us.

"Is... it true..." She mumbles. "that women of intelligence and uh... emotion are doomed to be infertile?" My breath hitches at the conversation. "Is that how reproduction works?"

"Dear God." I breathe out.

"Um..." Gilbert coughs. "There's nothing I've seen in my medical experience that would lead me to believe that." He throws me a pleading look. "So, uh... no. Is that all?"

"The steps." Tillie coughs. "Ask him."

"Shush!" I throw my hands up before anyone says anything else. "This is highly inappropriate." I look to Gilbert, we're both blushing and uncomfortable. "Give me five minutes." I say before pulling the girls aside. "What has gotten into you girls?!" I hiss as I hide behind a tree.

"He said seen!" Ruby's eyes are so wide as she whispers, "What has he seen?"

"Enough!" I snap. "Has none of your parents educated you at all?" They shake their heads. "Ridiculous." I scoff.

Anne whispers, "So you know how it works?"

"Yes." I nod and they exchange a look. "Oh no! No no no no!"

"Please tell us. We're about to be in college, we can't be completely clueless." Anne pleads.

I grimace as I gather my thoughts. "Fine. But if you tell anyone that I told you, I will kick you in the baby maker." I hiss making their eyes widen.

I tell them a less explicit version of what my father and Alexander told me. I told them how God designed it and intended it to be preformed and before I knew it, Ruby was crying.

"It goes in there?" She wailed. The girls start asking more questions making me shush them.

"I cannot answer all of your questions. I'm unmarried so I don't know everything." I gulp as Nate's face crosses my mind. "But erm— I promise you that if it is done right it could be a beautiful thing your husband will share someday."

The girls calm them selves and start going on about some Scottish thing Anne would like to try. I find Gilbert leaning against a tree, we share a bemused glance, a silent acknowledgment of the peculiar situation.

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