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Vocation. A noun. Meaning, a strong impulse or inclination to follow a particular activity or career.

It's our first day with our new teacher. I haven't met her yet but the progressive mothers— or whatever they are called, are not too fond of her.

"Mother was talking to Mrs. Pye and she said that the PMSC felt that Miss Stacy is probably unsuitable." Diana is spilling everything she knows. I don't care for gossip but if it's informative, what's wrong with that?

"But she rides a motorbike!" Anne beams. "Miss Stacy seems modern and thrilling!"

"I heard she's a spinster." Tillie shares.

"I heard she's from the mainland." Ruby adds.

"Why would an unmarried woman from the big city come here?" Josie inquires. "There's a scandal somewhere, you'll see."

"You love to assume the worst, Josie Pye."

"Yes well— Mother hated Miss Stacy on sight."

"So did mine." Prissy admits.

"Yeah but those mothers hate everyone." I scoff as I take my seat.

"Here's a recipe for disaster: show up an hour late. Dressed like a man. To tea with the Progressive Mothers." Prissy chuckles. "She may as well have hung a noose around her neck."

"Don't disparage her when you don't even know her." Anne scolds. "I think she sounds spectacular. I'm going to help pave the way for Miss Stacy. I know just how it is to be new and judged harshly."

We take our seats and get ready for class. Billy walks in with a shotgun in his hand.

"That fox is gonna be dead meat." He smirks. "I think I'll make it into a hat."

"Fox? What fox?" Anne panics.

"The one with the dark tail that's been stealing chickens."

"Well, there's no fox here so how's about you put the gun away?" Gilbert speaks up from his desk. "I'd like to live to meet the new teacher."

As the words leave his lips, the classroom door swings open to reveal Miss Stacy. She drops some of her things, one of them being a globe that rolls towards Billy and stops at his feet.

She chuckles, smiling brightly. "I just laid the world at your feet, didn't I?" Everyone laughs. "Good morning, everyone!"

"Good morning." We say in unison.

Billy bends down to pick up the the globe. "Here you go, little lady."

"My name is Miss Stacy." She speaks firmly. "Please take that gun outside. The classroom is no place for a weapon."

"Sure, I was... just about to do that." Billy blushes.

"What a pretty room! So many windows! I love to see green." She takes a deep breath. "Alright, let's get to know each other! Please stand up." Everyone stands to their feet. Miss Stacy takes off her coat, revealing that she isn't wearing a corset. I love her already. "Now, please move all the desks to the side, and take a seat on the floor."

"The floor?" Josie grimaces.

"We're going to form a circle and make introductions." We form a circle and everyone sits down. "When I call your name please stand up and you'll say two words that represent you using the first letters of your given name and surname. I'll start." Miss Stacy stands and delivers, "Muriel Stacy. Mischievous... scholastic."

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