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Leave. A verb. Meaning, to depart from permanently.

My plan to purposefully arrive late at the schoolhouse was a success. I've practically ignored Gilbert ever since the situation between Josie and Billy. Though Bash thinks I should hear Gilbert out, he has been helpful when it comes to avoiding him.

When I make it inside I feel his eyes on me but I make my way to the girls who are discussing last night's events. I zoned out for most of it and tried to work quietly on my final column in the Gazette. I leave for Paris tonight. Not many know of my plans and I'd like to keep it that way.

"Is it really so bad?" Ruby asks. "They're practically engaged."

"Were." Jane reminds her.

"Billy had no right, regardless!" Anne snaps.

"None of us saw what happened." Jane draws out her words. "Besides, Josie's always been ill-bred. Remember how she forced us to play that kissing game?"

"A kiss is fine when there's consent." Diana mumbles to herself. "Isn't it?"

"They were unchaperoned." Most of mine and Gilbert's were unchaperoned. Actually all of them were I believe. "Remember when Lavender Lewis was caught doing some matrimonial sampling with Stephen Mills? No one would marry her after that. She had to move to Winnipeg." Tillie whispers.

"Josie's reputation is ruined." Jane says smugly making me finally chirp in.

I slam my pencil down. "Are you seriously defending your pest of a brother?" I quirk a brow at her.

She scoffs. "And you are defending, Josie. Like she is any better."

"Look Josie Pye might be the most distasteful woman to ever graze the earth but she didn't deserve to be touched by that urchin. Nobody deserves to be treated the way she was." I give her a warning look.

"Why isn't Billy's reputation ruined? He was heedless and disrespectful!" Anne spits. "Josie has every right to be upset!"

"So I suppose we should get to work." Gilbert says as he approaches us.

"Is it more important to talk about who had the biggest cabbage than to discuss issues which concern an entire gender?" Anne snaps.

"What's your hurry?" I ask sarcastically. "Need to catch a train to Charlottetown?"

"Do we need to take this outside?" He gives me a look I can't read. My face reddens and I feel everyone look at us.

"Do you want to write about the balloon... or...?" Moody starts making everyone turn their attention away.

Miss Stacy approaches me and says, "Ada, may I have a word with you?"

"Of course." I spit, keeping eye contact with Gilbert as I stand and follow her.

"I'm afraid that I can't publish your final piece. I wish I could but after what happened with Billy..." she grimaces as she speaks.

I shake my head and grab her arm. "It's alright Miss Stacy. Besides the gardening column never brought me much joy." I turn to walk away but she stops me.

Miss Stacy's voice carries a note of genuine sadness as she speaks, her eyes reflecting the sentiment. "Ada, I want you to know how much I'll miss having you here when you're gone."

I pause, touched by her sincerity. "Thank you, Miss Stacy. I'll miss being here too."

She nods, her expression softening with understanding. "You've been such a valuable member of our community, Ada. Your presence will truly be missed."

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