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Angel. A noun. Meaning, a person having qualities generally attributed to an angel, as beauty, purity, or kindliness.

"So what you're really saying is CP Railways is prejudiced?" Gilbert asks as he stares down the train conductor.

"I'm saying there's no place on this train for your... guest." He says smugly as he grimaces at Bash. "Isn't that right, Isaac?" He nudges a work beside him. "On this train, we put the coloureds to work."

Isaac shrugs. "We might find space enough for him in the back with the cargo."

"I am a passenger. I'm not going to any back." Sebastian says calmly.

"This man my guest. I paid for his ticket."

"Is that true?"

I roll my eyes, having enough of this. "Okay this is ridiculous. You may be a conductor on this train, but you're conducting yourself like a backward bigot. Open your eyes and let progress on board, unless you enjoy being the conductor of discrimination." I spit hatefully before making my way onto the train.

"How dare you!" The conductor spits as we walk past him.

"Sir, unless this train is legally segregated we will be taking our legally purchased seats." Gilbert says, brushing past him.

"Ada! Gilbert! Sebastian! I wondered where you'd got to." I'm surprised to find Marilla on the train. "I have seats saved for you. This way." She leads us to her seat with Rachel Lynde. There's only two seats across from her.

I turn to look at Gilbert. "I will sit over here." I point to the opposite side of the train. He goes to object but I cut him off, "Stay with Bash. I will be fine."

"Okay." He nods and I take my seat.

As the train jolts into motion, I settle into my seat, exchanging polite nods with Marilla and Rachel. The rhythmic clatter of wheels against the tracks forms a backdrop to the subdued hum of conversation around me. Glancing out the window, I watch the familiar landscapes pass by, each one carrying memories of Avonlea. A soft voice interrupts my thoughts. Turning, I find a girl around my age, her attire suggesting a touch of elegance and sophistication.

"Oh thank God." She plops down in the free seat across from me. "I was afraid that I would be stuck sitting next to a crummy old man." She shivers making me giggle. "My apologies for being so blunt. My name is Daphne Arthur." She holds out a hand and I shake it.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Ada Smith."

"Ada." She smiles as she draws it out. "Is that short for something?"

"Yes, Adelaide actually. But I've only ever gone by Ada." I shrug.

"Adelaide... I like that." She sits her things down in the seat beside her as an older man tries to take a seat. "Plenty of seats towards the back." She smiles firmly before turning back to me. "So, Adelaide, what's in Charlottetown?"

"A doctor. My friend over there has a bad toothache." I point to Sebastian and she coos at him. "Gilbert and I are taking him for a checkup."

"Poor thing. I hope he can get some rest." She turns to look at me. "I'm visiting family before I head back to Paris."


"Yes I am attending finishing school at Newhaven." She says making my jaw drop. "W-What is it?"

"I am to attend Newhaven when I complete school!" I whisper.

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