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Nostalgia. A noun. Meaning, a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.

The next morning we headed straight outside to our childhood home. I simply couldn't wait to see it again. I know it will look the same, with some extra dust of course.

As we approach the familiar white brick home, I can't help but feel a small sense of accomplishment. Things didn't go the way I had originally planned but I got my home back despite the setbacks.

"Are you ready?" Gilbert tugs me towards him as we walk the dirt path. I nod my head urgently sending my baby hairs out of my up-do. "Ada," Gilbert begins, his voice gentle, "have you thought about what you'll do now that you have the old house back?"

His question prompts me to pause and consider the future. The idea of moving back to the old house, just next door, is both nostalgic and enticing.

"I haven't given it much thought yet," I admit, meeting Gilbert's gaze. "But the idea of moving back next door is certainly appealing. It would be nice to be back."

Gilbert nods, a small smile playing at his lips. "It would be nice," he agrees, his thumb tracing gentle circles on the back of my hand. "But whatever you decide, I'll support you."

His words fill me with warmth, reminding me once again of the support he always offers.

Aunt Jo and Rollings wait for us by the front door. We greet her and she says, "I had Rollings hire a few cleaners to ensure that you all get a proper look at the home."

"Thank you, Aunt Jo." I smile gratefully. "For everything."

"Oh don't get sappy on me again!" She swats her head before having Rollings swing the door open.

As we step through the threshold of our childhood home, a rush of memories floods my mind, each room filled with echoes of the past. The familiar scent of old wood and dust mingles in the air, wrapping around me like a comforting embrace.

For a moment, I'm transported back to simpler times, when this house was the center of our world, a place filled with laughter and love. But as I take in the faded wallpaper, I can't shake the feeling that something has changed, that this house is no longer the home it once was.

As we move through each room, Gilbert's hand in mine, I try to push aside the nagging doubts that have begun to creep into my mind. I want to believe that I can reclaim this house, make it into a home once again. But with each passing moment, that certainty begins to fade.

Eventually, we find ourselves standing in the kitchen, the heart of the home where so many memories were made. Gilbert turns to me, his gaze searching, and I can see the concern etched in his eyes.

"Are you okay, Ada?" he asks softly, his voice filled with genuine concern.

I force a smile, trying to push aside the doubts that linger in the back of my mind. "I'm fine," I reply, though the words feel hollow even to my own ears.

But as we linger in the quiet of the kitchen, I can't ignore the sinking feeling in my chest, the growing realization that this house may no longer hold the same charm it once did.

Daphne's voice fills the air with admiration. "It's truly beautiful," she remarks to Alexander, her eyes scanning the faded wallpaper and worn furniture with appreciation. "I can imagine all the memories that were made here."

Devoted To You || Gilbert Blytheजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें