Twenty five

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"Simple rules, last one wins. You have to drink all the contents in the glass in order to go to the next round. If you pull out, you lose," Michele explained to all of us. Even my nana and grandad were playing with us, and my mama. Shocker.

"You gonna be okay, little sister. I mean you are the smallest out of all of us and not to mention the youngest," Dante said as he poured vodka into ten shot glasses. Chloe and Rebecca, Bucky's mum and sister, went home as it was really late.

"Yeah, baby, you sure you can handle it," Bucky said kissing me on the forehead.

"You men, honestly I'll kick your asses," I huffed out.

"Okay, first round," Dante smirked, passing out the shot glasses. We all downed the liquid. It burned my throat slightly as it went down.

Twenty minutes later, my mum and dad said their goodbyes with nana and grandad. Nana didn't want to go however. It was just me, Bucky, my brothers and Steve.

"Okay round...I don't fucking know," Dante slurred slightly. We have had a two whole bottle and a half between us. This is going to hurt in the morning.

We all tipped the shot glass up and drank the horrible liquid. Michele and Steve gagged.

"I'm done," Steve and Michele said at the same time.

"Go two bed you two," I said as the room was spinning slightly.

"Okay mother," they both muttered making me give them a glare. Michele kissed me on the cheek and left. Steve fell over the back of the sofa and so he stayed there.

After a while, we called it a draw because none of us could hack it anymore. Bucky didn't seem that drunk but me on the other hand.

"Woah," Bucky said as I nearly fell over thin air but he caught me just in time.

"Who put that there?" I furrowed my eye brows.

"I don't know sweetheart but I'll make sure to move it tomorrow," he said as he picked me up.

James' POV

There was nothing there. She tripped over her own feet bless her.

I'll give it to her though, she outdrank mafia men. My good girl.

I carried her up the stairs as she unbuttoned my shirt looking at my tattoos saying how 'intriguing' and 'sexy' they were.

She's going to have a bad headache in the morning, or whenever she wakes up.

I set her, now sleepy body, down on the bed and carefully took her clothes off and bra as she doesn't like to sleep in it. She was just left in her panties as I went off to get one of my tops for her.

When I got back she was snuggled up with the fluffy duvet, with one leg hooked over the duvet. I struggled to put her in the shirt but I did it, eventually.

I stripped of my clothes until I was left in my Calvin Klein boxers and got into bed, I rested my back against the headboard and got my laptop out from the bedside draw. I responded to work emails and to see what my greatest enemies were up to and what their location is.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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