Chapter 85- Back to Parties & Cameron

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Chapter 80 something

Locked out of Heaven- Bastille Cover

It's finally here wow sorry! And hope you guys like the new cover!

"Connor what the hell!" I yelled from the kitchen. I shook my head at the mess of dishes sitting in the sink.

"Kiaaaaaan!" I yelled and it echoed from the apartment. I swear these boys are such slobs. I was last here on Wednesday and the place was spotless.

It's now Friday and the place has been turned upside down. In the matter of only two day. Unbelievable. I swear I'm becoming my mom.

"Cooonnnoooorrr!" I could hear kian from his bedroom.

"Tell your girlfriend to shut her face I'm trying to sleep." I laughed and was glad to interrupt his mid day nap.

"No!" I hollered back. I set my purse down and laptop. I walked around and plugged in my phone to charge.

"What do you want." Connor said walking in shirtless. I raise an eyebrow at him and tap my foot.

"The very last time I clean your apartment for you." I tell him and try to act intimidating.

"Babe no. It was all Kian's fault." Connor pouts and tries to hug me but I pull away.

"Well now you're gonna clean all of this up."I stick my tongue out at him and head for the bathroom.

"Later." He groans. I smile walking away feeling like a bossy mother yelling at her teenage son.

"You know I moved away from my mom to live freely but it's kinda hard with you." He points out and I ignore him.

I use the bathroom and wash my hands. I pick up Kian's boxer from the floor before I stepped on them. I know they're Kian's because they have little penguins printed on them.

I walk outside and Connor is drinking out of the milk carton. I cringe and shake my head at him. "Sorry mom." He says quickly as he caps the carton.

"So we still on for tonight?" He asks.

"Yeah but tomorrow can we just have an us day. We've been busy with homework and exams I really want to have another night out. " I say sitting laying down.

I've been so caught up with this project for my writings class and hadn't seen Connor at all. I only came over Wednesday to pick up my jacket I left here. Gladly all I need to do now is to summarize and I can turn it in.

I always look forward to seeing Connor. He's a pain in the butt but he always makes me smile. It's the little things about him that have him making my day.

"Anything for you my babe." He kisses my neck from behind making me smile.

"Then since my brother is only here for 5 days I thought on Sunday him and I could go out to eat as well." I say already planning my whole weekend.

"Relax babe. Just make sure to breath and not feel to busy. I hope everything goes well with and you and him." He comes over and kisses my forehead.

He leans down and kisses me. I grab his shirt and pull him in so he falls on top of me. I slip my tongue in his mouth and continue to move along with him. I grab his face so he stops from moving it and we go into this full make out session.

"Gosh you guys are like magnets." Kian walks in a while after and we turn our heads to see him in the kitchen.

I stick my tongue out at him and sit up once Connor gets off. "Are you going to the party tonight?" Connor asks.

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