Chapter 34-Victorian,Princess,and Egg shell

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This is just a filler chapter. the next will be long and eventful.

❤️Chapter 34❤️

I was on my way out about to leave and go back to the campus but my mothers voice stopped me from the kitchen. She was standing there with her blue mug in her hand. She seemed dressed up ready to go somewhere.

"Bethany do you have your dress ready for Saturday?" She asked me. I cringed at how she used my full name. I mentally face palmed myself for forgetting about this Saturday. I really wasn't up for going anymore.

You see my family has always done this thing where every year we have a ball. Yes you heard right a ball. Like fancy food and people dressed up and classy dancing. It would be the most boring thing ever. You would go once you are over 15. The catch was you have to bring a partner to be with. It wouldn't be so boring unless you were the princess. Yes the princess. The girl that is 18 gets chosen and had to wear a big ball gown and bring a date. I always wanted to be the princess but now I dreaded it. I didn't go last year because I would take my brother but my mother took my brother last year because my father was gone. She said it is a big honor and it's fun because she adored the day she was princess.

"Actually I was going today." acting like I never forgot. She eyed me suspicious and put her mug down crossing her arms.

"Remember it's a Victorian style gown. I already know you have a date so no excuses young lady." I nodded to her and walked out the door with keys in my hand.

Right after classes I came to pick up my brother and we went to my dad's grave. I started crying on his shoulder when I set the flowers down. It was nice going there with my brother. I dropped him off and headed back to my dorm. I planned to lay around today and try to do some online shopping.

"Hello" Connors voice rang through my phone.

"Hey Connor ? Um this might sound weird but can you be my date to the ball this Saturday. Don't even ask it's this stupid thing my family does and I have to go because I'm the stupid princess this year. Which means I have to go and buy a big dress." I said slowly enough so he can take it in.

"Yeah did you want me to go with you?" He asked. He did need a tux.

"Yeah. Do you happen to have a tux ? So you can buy one too ?"

"Actually yeah I already have one. Tell me when you get here because I want to go in my car." He finished.

I said okay and hung up the phone. I'm honestly very surprised I didn't have to force him to go with me.I guess he didn't want me going with anyone else. I thought he would refuse and say the thing is stupid. I'm happy we just cut to it and he said yes and we avoided all the arguing that could have happened.

I pulled up and parked in front of my building and saw Connor waiting for me in his car. I rolled my eyes because he doesn't like it when I drive. I slammed the door and put on my seat belt. I scared Connor when I didn't say a word and slammed the door. I wonder what he did all day?

"What did you do all day?" Connor pulled out and did look at me when he answered.

"Well Sunday I just stayed in but got a little company from a special person. Hallie came to my room and claimed that I had called her because on Friday she thought that we became a thing. After a few hateful words and screaming I got her to leave. She really does hate you" Connor said and let out a little chuckle at the last sentence. Hearing her name got me tensed up and furious.

"Why does she hate me so much?!" I asked and leaned my head on the window. I give up. I need to stop trying and just ignore her.

"Well you kind of have me as your boyfriend and she's like in love with me. No fighting why there." he cockily said. I scoffed at him.

"And who said you're all that great?" I said cocking my eyebrow and faced him.

"You did. At least what Kian told me. "I'll remember that next time I'm in bed with him" " Connor mocked in high pitched voice. I swatted his arm and turned a bright red color. Connor adorable laughter filled the car and I covered my face with my hands.

"It's okay I would say that to any other guy who tried to take you away from me" he teased. I crossed my arms and tried to hide my smile. Connor parked the car in the big lot and we got out. The plaza was not crowed at all like it would be on a Sunday.

I already knew what shop to go to because my cousin Stacey was the princess last year. Saying princess sounds like some weird play you do and say that you want the role as royalty. The shop was small and no one else was inside. It smelled like flowers and a few dresses were out in display. big ball gowns that are mixed. many different styles but I had to choose that ugly Victorian styled dress. It looked like a dress they wore back in the days in England. With long sleeves that flared out at the end. Basically a queens dress.

"Bethany! I have the dresses in the back. Just go into the changing room down there." the middle aged lady said from behind the counter. I smiled at her and follows her directions. I passed by the row of pure white dresses and saw in awe at how beautiful they are. That's what I wished for. I pure white dress.

"Hey Amy ? Can I just try one of the white dresses on?" I asked from afar. Connor had already walked away into the changing room waiting for me.

"Sure Hun just pick one and tell me!" she hollered from the back room. I smiled and looked at the variety of dresses. They were utterly amazing. I looked at all of then then saw the one I wanted to try on. It caught my eyes and I hurried over to it. I wanted to take it home and keep it forever. It was a lace ball gown. I was positive it was a wedding dress it had a very detailed pattern on the corset of the dress. It had lace sleeves. From the waist down it flared out giving it that princess effect.

"Is that it" Amy scared me from behind. I nodded and walked back into the changing room. I saw the dresses and cringed. I hated them so much. it made me look 30 years older. I had no choice and chose from the 3. I pulled it on and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Can you tell why I hate these things?" I opened the door and Connor looked at me and covered his mouth with his hands holding in his laughter. I scowled at him and picked up the dress to walk back in. Amy brought in the dress and I looked at it. It was egg shell white and I couldn't believe it's beauty.

I put it on and Amy helped my zipping it up. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I was looking at a magazine. I fell in love with the dress. I walked out and Connor's eyes widen taking in all if me. "You look" Connor said speechless and didn't take his eyes off me.

"I think I'm getting this one. We're supposed to get the other kind but I kinda like this one a lot more" I smiled looking down at the dress.

"Don't you think they would flip" he questioned. I did think that but I think it's time for a change.

"They need to deal with it. I could not be paid to wear that hideous dress." we both chuckled and I went back to get out of it.

I walked over to Amy behind the counter carrying the black bag that contained the dress. "I'll be taking the white one" she gave me a weird look but still typed away on her computer putting it on the account. I thanked her and Connor carried the bag back to the car.

We drove back to the campus and I told Connor stories about the past balls we had. I told him that, that's where my mom met my dad and where they had their first kiss. Its been a tradition in the family for 49 years now to have these special nights. I told him the story where one year some guy threw up on the princess's dress and she threw a big tantrum. I had always dreamed to have my night but yet who knows.

Maybe this can be the day I can be a princess.


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