Chapter 72-Vegas Part 2

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Chapter 72

HighHopes - Kodaline

Talk- Kodaline

(Those of you asking I decided Hallie could be Lia Marie Johnson)

Connors POV

I had sat up from the bed and looked over to the side. Beth wasn't there. I look up and see she's grabbing some clothes. I look around and see that we're in the large hotel room.

"Kathy invited us for breakfast." She says before getting in. I groan and lay back down. Why can't we just order some dam room service and lay here all day.

I stand up from bed and rub my eyes. I ruffle my hair and stretch my arms yawning. I start looking through my clothes and pick out a decent outfit. Making sure to wear shorts because of the crazy hot weather here. I hear the water start running and music playing from the bathroom.

That's when there was a loud knock at the door and I thought it was Kathy. I slip on some sweat pants and a old shirt. I open it before they keep on knocking.

"Hallie what the fuck?" I say utterly shocked as to why she would be here. How did she even know I was here or that this was my room?!

"Don't ask but I'm here to save your ass" I gave her a confused look. She noticed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Have you forgotten that she's here? She knows that you're here as well" She tells me calmly.

Holy Shit. I wasn't ready for this. I've been preparing what I was going to say for months now. But I've lost all my memory. I haven't been this panicked since seeing my mother be slapped. Hallie gave me a "now what" look and stood there not ready to face this person.

"Just please take care of her and I'll tell you when I'm ready to tell Beth." I say and slam the door once she starts shaking her head and walking away.

I walk back to the bed and find Beth opening the door and walking out fully dressed while drying her hair with a towel. She gave me a weird look and I realized I had been running my hand through my mess hair. I stopped and looked at her.

"Who was at door?" She asked and I came up withs own thing quick.

"Oh someone was just lost" I was hoping she would buy it. She shrugged and nodded. I grabbed my clothes and quickly went to get into the shower.

Beth's POV

It was confirmed. Something was up with Connor. He's been more cautious and fumbled with the way he talked. Something had to be done but I just didn't know what. I just wish he told me.

I hear the familiar iPhone ringtone and see it Connor's. Hallie's name pops up and jealousy bubbles up inside me. I decline her message and see that right after she texts him.

Hales :
Connor you better hurry this needs to be done quick and easy.

My jaw drops at what the could mean. I throw his phone back in bed and before I go snooping through his phone. Why am I oblivious to everything. I knew he's been talking to Hallie often now. There had to be a reason she came to Connor when I did as well at the bar. I just knew that he couldn't have been cheating on me.

I brush my hair and stay silent the rest of the morning as we get ready. I slip on some cute sandals and we meet Kathy and John for breakfast. They take us to the restaurant on the The Strip that is up on a high floor. It's Tuesday and the place isn't too crowded. I order some nice scrambled eggs with pancakes and coffee. I could help but think it was funny when Kathy and John gave us a confused look. Connor ordered for me and new every detail I wanted with my coffee.

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