Effect~Chapter 1-Meet Connor Bethany

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❤️Chapter 1 ❤️

Remember stay original and plagiarism is illegal. So please don't steal my idea !

"Finally Done!" I exhaled after fixing my bed.

After some blood and some whinnying I finished putting my new bed together.It was for my new dorm. Well for what this small space was. Its the size of my old room but instead two people are here.

My new dorm is basically split into two. My side and my roommates side which I yet to meet. All I asked for was no serial killer or some psycho path. I didn't need my life to become some horror movie.

I go into my closet and change into a pair of shorts and a plain tee. I grab my phone and bag and remember to lock the door on my way out.

I bump into a few people and ask for directions after I finally spot the coffee shop. Of course the typical Californian white girl is obsessed with Starbucks. I'm sorry okay shoot me.

Standing in line I look around and see all the different students. Many have their HSU shirts. I was never one to judge but some of these people looked like they had no taste in fashion. Maybe it's just me being so judgmental. I guess I would end up like them at some point. Harsh Beth.

I stopped being a freak and ordered my drink. "A Very Bery Hibiscus Venti" I said to the lady.

I pay her and grab my drink. I go to get my straw but when I turn around I crush the persons coffee all over them.

Just amazing. Not even a day into college and I'm already showing the world how clumsy I am. I wouldn't be surprised if I end up some loser here.

"Ughk" the stranger said. A guy to be exact. I hurry and grab some napkins to start cleaning up their shirt.

"I'm so sorry! Let me buy you a new one" I say as I finish. I keep mentally face palming myself as I'm humiliating myself more and more.

I finally look up and I'm amazed by what's in front of my. This boy is taller than me and has this chestnut brown hair pushed back into a side-ways quiff. He has these amazing greenish/grayish eyes and this perfect white smile.

What really stood out to me was the many tattoos he had. Making him look bad but hot. I never went for guys like him but something attracted me about him. I wanted gag because I thought to myself when did my life become some stupid romance movie.

I really need to stop having my life run into these cliche scenarios. It's getting annoying and not movie worthy. Like can I already have my life turn into some cheesy movie it'll save me from everything else.

I look back at the nameless tattooed boy in front. He could pass off as a tumblr boy. I would reblog him. I looked away before he caught me ogling at him.

"You know what its fine. But only because you're a pretty little lady. Maybe instead you can pay me back another way" he said while winking at me.

Really? Why did the hot boy have to speak! Of course he had some crazy big ego with his cocky smile. Just one boy is all I asked for.

"Umm I'll pass...but are you sure you don't want a new drink?"

"Yeah it's all cool"

I smile and grab my drink and start heading out the door towards my dorm. The walk back isn't long but it's until I get to the elevator is when I see the jerk again.

"Did you follow me?" I ask.

"Nope I live here too"I say oh and nod.

The doors open and we both get in. I was just hoping for the sake of me. I would never have to run into him again and we could live our lives peacefully with dry shirts.

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