Savage Love

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There are so many kinds of love, some are just there hiding like they didn't really exist but unluckily they did, they did exist and punish those who just wants love.

"Knievel! Smile!"

Knievel Luna Callantes. A guy with an expensive smile.

It's like his smile cost a lifetime and you'll need a bigger reason for you to see his precious and expensive smile.

"Chilles stop," I frowned and stand beside Knievel.

I wonder how could I make him smile, like how I saw in his old photos.

"Is that what you called me for?" He coldly look at me as he gaze in the room I just designed.

"Yeah, happy birthday Knievel!" I happily announced assuming for a good response from him, but he just stared at me coldly. As usual.

Not even a surprise reaction from him.

"Thanks. I'll go now, I have so many things to do first." He turned to go to the door but I frantically grab his arm and stops him from leaving.


"You won't stay?" I've waited for so many hours and he will leave that fast?

"Chilles I told you I have important things to do,"

"Not even eat?" I give him an pleading look but he just wiped my hands on his arm.

"I'm sorry I have so many important things to do than this,"

"But it's your birthday?"

"Chilles—" He impatiently looks at me, I already get it. I can't make him stay.

"Alright! Alright, it's fine. It's enough that you granted my invitation." My invitation for your birthday, but it's fine. If I make him mad it'll take forever for me to get his attention and slight sympathy.

"Take care, happy birthday again!" I followed him until my door and watch him go without any response from him.

My lips protruded as I glance to the things I prepared for him. I just prepared a small surprise party for him, I didn't invite anyone but him, it's just supposed to be the two of us that will celebrate his 26th birthday.

I felt a slight stung on my chest, and a hand that gripping my heart tight and squeezing it 'til it bleeds in agony.

I just sighed and walk towards the foods I cooked early this morning. I slapped the balloons above it, it just bounced back in the curtain I put just for my surprise.

"I'm sorry he didn't appreciated you that long, but that's fine! Af least he saw all of you, right? That's enough, most of the time he don't take a glance at everything," I talked to the designs on my wall and ceiling of my condo unit like I was consoling them but the truth is, I'm consoling myself so won't cry.

"Too bad he didn't tasted you, but it's okay, I'll eat all of you until you're all gone!" I continuasly poured food on my plate and started eating while standing.

I'm chewing the meat of Knievel's favorite dish then my eyes went down to the rose petals that I patiently pick from the roses I bought in the market.

This cost me so much but for Knievel it's alright. It's all worth it.

I finished eating. And starts to clean the corner of his room, and put everything back to their usual positions. I weep the rose petals on the floor and pick it one by one to put it on a box, if ever I'll think of something what to do with this.

I went to the small table I prepared for us to eat, supposedly. I saw the small vase of the plant I patiently grew so I can give it to Knievel, maybe a month from now this will have a bloomed flower. I set aside in the row of vases in my window so if can get sunlight.

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