You and I

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Blast. Tonight is a blast. Not only that it's Paulo's birthday but, there's this hottie singer, and band member the bar has. He wasn't even tipsy when he saw him, but he's knee trembled upon seeing him smile and he turned jelly when he heard laugh.

Damn! He'll gonna play guitar and sing too! That was awesome! It makes him even more attractive! Paulo can't take his eyes away from that guy. He thought he'll just stare at him, but damn,


He found himself locking their gazes to each other. The man smiled at him before strumming his guitar and proceeds singing again.

~Boy, you just caught my eye~

Without looking away, Ken sang it, meaningfully.

He was just about to step up at the podium and sing and play, but his eyes found this ethereal looking man sitting at the front table laughing with his friends.

~Thought I should give it try
And get your name and your number~

His eyes wrinkled with the smile he let out, the guy smiled back! Oh damn, his heart! It's hammering! It feels like I've buckets of hot water pour into him when he smiled back at him.



Ken just smiled at him and didn't knew what was coming for the both of them in the near future.

~Go grab some lunch and eat some cucumbers~

"You cook? Wow, that's great! I can't cook!" He just laugh with the man as it sip the soup he made for him. He's enjoying the meal, he's glad.

~Why did I say that?~

"I want to know you more," It's a whisper. With a loving tone, a sweet stare and sincere face, coming from Pau. The street lights reflects on his eyes and it makes him like a work of art. Beautiful.

~I don't know why~

"Tha'was funny! Really? You did that?"

"Yeah! Seriously, I didn't know that she is going to that direction! My dog is kind of wild, I don't know if I would help her if laugh first! That was freaking epic!"

~But you're smilin' and it's something I like
On your face, yeah it suits you~

Smiles and laughs that gives another color to his life. Paulo seems to give him all the colors the rainbow had. His colorless life begun to have a wide perspective of the word happiness.

~Boy we connect like we have Bluetooth~

"I prefer singing than dancing though, I don't know how to dance, I look like a worm poured with salt when dancing."

"What a coincidence, I prefer singing too."

"What you look hot when you dance."

"You too, I saw that, your video for the school fest,"

"You did?!"


"Oh my god! I look awful in that!"

"Nuh-ah, you look hot and sexy heartthrob in that,"

"Really?" Ken just smiled and and nodded, Paulo's expression softens with that. He smiled too, with his face red and flush.

~I don't know why I'm drawn to you
Could you be the other one so we'd equal two?~

"Thanks for the flowers, it's beautiful." Pau caress the yellow petals of the sunflower Ken gave him. It's so beautiful. He's not that fond of flowers but right now, he think he is, but to sunflower. It's thick yellow color represents the bright sunrise in the morning.

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