Sexy Time

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Paulo walks out of his room ruffling his hair after he just took a long afternoon nap. His eyes are still half closed. Still feel sleepy when it's already four in the afternoon.

He walked to the recording room he has on their house, where his destination is. Still sleepily stepping inside he find the person he expects to be in there. He made his way in front of the computer when he saw him there busy tapping on the keyboard eyes on the screen.

Without uttering any word he slipped himself in between the computer desks and the man sitting on the black gaming chair. He pushed a little distance before straddling his thighs on the person sitting in it, he let his feet hang loosely underneath the arm rest just on the man's sitting waist. Sitting on it's lap, and burying his face on the crook of it's neck. He heard a chuckle from the man.

"Good afternoon, sexy time?" Ken whispered on his ear. He rose hid body up a bit letting Paulo's arms wrapped around his chest while he hug his waist.

"Sexy time it is." He answered his own question as he turned off the computer and softly leaned his back on the backrest of the chair while peppering the man's forehead with kisses.

"Edit this out. I saw you recording." Suddenly Pau uttered.

"If course." Ken nodded, while caressing and brushing Paulo's soft hair.

Just that and they both fell into silence savoring what they've called 'sexy time' it's not really something what would others think, but just something that perhaps describes nothing. Just them in deep and quiet silence, hugging and just cuddling.

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