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I don't know if it's the coffee doing on me that I can't fell asleep or the fact that I am beside this person. Taong kahit siguro bali-baliktarin ko ang mundo alam ko sakanya ako tatakbo. He's my best friend after all. But it seems to be this pass few days I don't feel that way towards him anymore.

“Ken, tulog ka na ba?” I poked his back, slightly shake his body but he didn't even flinched on it.

He's already asleep probably, he's an easy sleeper.

“If you're tulog na, please don't wake up muna. I wanna tell you something.” My hand rested on the space between us and stared at the back of his neck while contemplating on how to say what's on my mind.

“I don't know what's happening to me this pass few days but I know you feel it too. Me being clingy and super sensitive to you. I didn't realize I was until now. I don't want to break our friendship b-but I think...” I stutters as I heave a deep breath preparing myself.

“I-I think, I like you Ken,” I form my fist into a ball against the mattress and after maybe a minute I turned away facing the other side of the bed as I close my eyes.

After all, I know I will choose my friendship I have with him than risk into the feelings I know will not go anywhere. As I close my eyes I accepted the fact that what I feel will be unheard until I let it so.

I was hoping. Finger crossed hoping. Hoping that one day our world will turn facing each other, having our own spots as moon and sun diverse in one awe. And I will know that light will replace the darkness and I will be his only light.

His words was left unanswered as I remain immovable. I smell the swell of the setting sun, the smell of the shore when I accidentally bump into him and threw him to the water that made him choke. I was too guilty back then, but now, I am so thankful that I was clumsy and accidentally meet the guy that shines like the moon, dark yet beautiful, wild yet an art, and when I realized what I've step into I smiled violently.

Pretending to be asleep I turned to him shrunk my face in the crack of his neck smelling his morning fog scent the smell of the morning sun, the smell I hate the most but with him it starts my day.

Finally I can have him in my arms, and maybe have him for all his life and take his heart as mine and take him in front of the Lord and ask for his hand and build our kingdom in the center of the forest just like how he wanted to. Maybe chase for faeries that he always daydream of.


I squinted my eyes upon opening. It's probably morning and I can hear someone's voice trying to wake us up. And I was right seeing Justin our class Vice President raising an eyebrow on our feets side with his arms on his waist.

“Jah ang ingay mo,” Paulo murmur as he pulled up the thick comforter to his head burying himself to me.

And that's when I realized, he was hugging me. His legs are straddled into mine hands on my chest and my arms as his pillows. Him pulling the comforter to his head reveals his body and his rolled up shirt exposing his back naked as he moves laying his stomach kissing the side of my waist.

I struggle to pull his shirt down so I just pulled the comforter to cover his back. Leaving the lower part of body revealed.


“Ang aga, kalandian maabutan ko, piste.” Jah leaves and zip the tent close.

He was right because it's already seven in the morning when I checked my phone, we're leaving at nine. I'm used of waking this early but we're at the camp and as long as I wanted to keep this moment going we can't.

“Pau get up, we have to prepare, we're going home.” I rubbed his back trying to wake him up. I know he's half awake when Justin went in, probably he drifted back to sleep.

“Huy gising na,” My finger tips played with his ears that I know he hates the most. He usually does this and he really hates it when doing it to him.

“Ano ba?!” As I expected he angrily slapy hands away from his ears.

“Gumising ka na kasi tanghali na.” But I continued annoying the hell out of him until he gets up.

“Ken!” He said my name in a annoyed yet low tone. But I didn't even flinched on it. I continued playing with his ears.

“Gumising ka na Pidoy enjoy na enjoy ka na d'yan eh,” Inis n'yang imunulat ang mata at masamang tumingin saakin.

I gave him a 'what?' look and prick his ears, it made him more irritated that he chased my ears.

Inis na inis n'yang pilit inaabot ang tenga ko para gumanta na kahit nakapatong na s'ya sa ibabaw ko ay hindi n'ya pansin. Tawa lang ako ng tawa sakanya. Sobrang pula ng mukha n'ya sa inis.

“Aray ko—Pau—Masakit Pidoy ha! Ouch!” Ramdam na ramdam ko 'yung kuko n'ya sa tenga ko. Inis na inis n'ya pang piningot ito.

“Tama na ha, nananantsing ka lang yata eh.” Tila sandaling natigil s'ya sa kakahila sa tenga ko at napatingin sa kinapapatungan n'ya.

When sudden realization hits him, his face turned red and redder. His face flushing red as be stand up on top of me and without a word stomp his feet out of our tent.

“Uy Pres! Gising ka na pala—Teka may allergy ka ba?! Hala gagi ang pula ng mukha mo—Pres! Luh gagi?”

I smirked as I heard him again getting inside the tent and starts to rummage through his things avoids my gaze and when our sight meets his hand are quick to get the travel pillow on top of the cooler and threw it to my face.

But then his toothbrush flew with it, landing on the side of my face. He march his feet towards me, as fast as I could I grab his toothbrush and put it away from his reach.

Without talking he tries to get it from me. Doesn't matter if he's on top of me. Doesn't matter that his face is an inch away from me. Doesn't matter that his lips is an breath away from mine, nearly touching, one swift move and ut did.

Our lips touch, making me froze.

It was quick quicker than the lightning he instantly got his toothbrush and went out.

“Pres tsansing ka!”

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