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This place, this school, this entire school. I'm over it, I can't do this anymore. It isn't even worth it
As I get to my locker I can see the usual teenage exchange right before the weekend starts. It's Friday morning meaning there are groups of people huddled together discussing their plans for their weekend. Rightfully so, we are young and should be able to enjoy the weekends we have as kids
Then there are the couples dotted around exchanging kisses here and there. The type that would make you want to vomit if you are single
I never believed in love, it seems so pointless and useless. What's the point in getting attached to someone, falling so hard only for them to either drop you or not catch you at all
The heartbreak is the main cause for a girls downfall. 
I've grown up watching as my mum and dad have argued with each other day in and day out. They won't call it quits purely down to myself and Emily. 
Sooner or later they will realise their worth and part ways, but until then. It's just another toxic evening for me

"I heard that Michelle is throwing a killer party tonight" I hear some voices exchanging behind me, I glance over my shoulder to confirm who I think it was
James and his bunch of idiots
Don't get me wrong. In all of James' minions. I get along with one of them, his name is Eldon. He was the closest thing Emily ever had to a boyfriend but as time moved on so did she. 
James and the rest of his friends though. They aren't worth knowing. It's as if someone threw Ego, Rudeness, and so much more in a bowl and created James
"Yeah man, it'll be dry" James said rolling his eyes
That was an obvious lie. When Michelle throws these kind of parties, people talk about them for weeks. But James being James is probably too good for us as a town already
"Come on man, grace us with your presence" Someone says, trust them to be beginning for his attention
I'm not really one to talk about friendships. But I truly believe they should never be one sided. They should have the grounds that you give and you get. But clearly James' popularity got to his head a little too much


Walking home a little later then everyone was something I took pride in. I didn't want to get caught up in any of the Friday afternoon drama this school has every week. I just wanted to get my time at this place over and done with as soon as I can do that, the quicker I'll be out of this place with no looking back
"Someone is here late?" A voice said next to me, I turn to see Eldon stood there. Positioning my books more comfortably I smiled heading towards him
"Hey" I replied taking a seat next to him on the bench in the courtyard
"What are you still doing here?" I asked
"I'm waiting on one of the boys to pick me up but nobody is answering" He said rolling his eyes
Eldon has been trying to pass his test for about as long as I can remember
"Want me to give you a ride somewhere?" I offered, as soon as those words left my lips his eyes lit up causing me to chuckle as we walked to my car
"Where to?" I asked

After a short drive we sat here in front of James' house. It wasn't the first time I had to drop Eldon off here and my bet is that it won't be the last
"You coming tonight?" Eldon asked and I gave him my famous look
"Stupid question got it" He chuckled getting out of the car
I watched to make sure he got inside okay before driving home to the inevitable hell
Walking into the living room I could hear their yells already and it wasn't even 7pm yet. I sighed taking my phone out of my pocket in the attempt to call Emily but that was quickly put on pause when my parents came downstairs.
I watched as they continued their argument
"I don't care Alison! I don't know how many times we have to go through this!" Dad yelled as my eyes watched the entire fight
"It was one measly treat and you are making it out to be this huge thing! Once again!" Mum yelled back. Money. That's one of the many things they argue about
"One measly treat? Alison! It was £400 we did not have spare" Dad yelled back
"Johnathan, it's my money too!" Alison yelled obviously annoyed
Before either of them could argue further, they both glanced my ways before shifting together trying to hide the fact I had just watched all of that unfold
"Hey honey, when did you get home?" Mum asked, I looked at her and could see the annoyance of the unfinished argument floating in her eyes
"Only just" I replied with no emotion in my tone
"Have you spoken to Emily today?" Dad asked and I shook my head
Emily and I speak often but with her away at college I tend to try and steer clear of bothering her unless it was urgent. Our parents pettiness was nothing worth bothering her about

Sitting on my bed, I can hear that the argument is continuing downstairs. It was going to happen whether I was around or not. I wish Emily didn't have to leave me here
Why couldn't she take me with her
"Alison! The reason I'm still here is because of our baby upstairs!" I heard dad yell, it wasn't the first time I've heard that it most certainly won't be the last
I looked over at the clock to see it was 10pm. I didn't know what else to do. I needed an escape
Dialling Emily's number in the hope I get an answer, the more time that past the more tears started to gently fall.
All until the one thing I didn't want to happen. Happened
"Hey it's Em, Sorry I can't come to the phone but you know the drill" 

Throwing my phone onto the bed running my hands through my hair, I needed to get out of here for maybe just an hour, god maybe more
The arguing continued downstairs allowing me to easily sneak out the front door without even having to worry about the noise of the door closing. 
I was free.. but for how long

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