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I won't lie, I wish I was walking into school on better circumstances but yet here I am. Walking in knowing full well that my dad has completely cut all ties with me
Over what? The fact that I don't want to move across the country. 
"You okay?" A voice said as I got to my locker, I looked up to see Eldon stood there
"Yeah you?" I replied as I closed it
"Cut the crap Riley, it's okay to not be okay you know" Eldon said making me sigh
"I'm okay right now, that's something isn't it?" I asked and he sighed this time before nodding
"That is something" He replied giving me a playful nudge as we both headed over to the rest of the guys the moment James joined
"good morning" He said to me pressing his lips against mine 
"Ewwww!" Hunter teased making James hit him while still kissing me
"It's good to have you back Riley" West laughed as we finally pulled away
I smiled at him
"I'm glad to be back" I replied as James wrapped his arm around me 

James and I were sat in the Library during our free period, it shocked me at first, but I've slowly gotten used to James actually knowing what a Library is and how to use it
"What does this mean?" James asked showing me his english book
"benevolence? It means a kind act, gift or doing something kind for someone" I said turning his book back to him
"Thanks" He replied with a smile before making some more notes in his book
"I bet you've shocked all your teachers lately by actually doing your work" I replied making him chuckle
"Yeah and they all know you are to blame for the sudden heart attacks of a few of them" He replied making my roll my eyes 

Studying with James was different to how I thought it would be that first evening he joined me. I thought ah he'll just distract me and in turn that would stress me out but instead James has learnt to use this time wisely and also respects the fact I want to do my work and not be distracted
"Have you finished the Math homework" James sheepishly asked, I know for a fact that means he wants to copy it
"No but we can work on it together if you'd like" I said offering him a look making him shoot me his childlike grin
"You're a child you know that right?" I said and he chuckled
"it's one of the many thing you like about me" He said scooting a little closer 
"Mmm I don't know about that" i replied moving away slightly 
It was no use, James snaked his arms around my waist gently pulling me in close pressing our lips together 



"What do you think she wants?" Hunter asked as we all met at the lockers after school, I glanced over at Riley's locker seeing her stood there with Michelle 
For someone who Riley struggled with in the past, it was interesting seeing the somewhat calm exchange
"I have no idea" I replied making all the boys continue to stare
"I don't think it'll be anything good if I'm honest" Eldon warned and I nodded
"Agreed" I replied earning a respectful smile from Eldon as we continued to watch 

It wasn't long before the pair said their goodbyes and Riley was on her way over to us
"Hey" She smiled kissing my cheek as she joined us
"Hey babe" I replied making her roll her eyes at the nickname
"What did Michelle of all people want?" Eldon asked
"She was just talking to me about some work" Riley explained, I shot her a look to see if she was lying and for the first time I can't quite read her
"Park?" West asked us all and we nodded
"Eldon how are you getting home?" Riley asked, as soon as that sentence left her mouth Eldon shot her a grin 
"Thankyou Rileyyyy" He sung making her roll her eyes as we walked out of the building hand in hand

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