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"For the last time Michelle, I'm not interested" I hear someone say down the corridor. I turned my head glancing over to see James being cornered by Michelle Again
"James come on, we don't have be a secret anymore" She said placing her hands all over him, I chuckled a little seeing how desperate she was clearly being
"I can promise with my entire heart. You are not the girl I'm dating. Trust me" James groaned walking away to join the boys all over again

We shared a glance for a couple seconds that made us both smile at each before he was engulfed into the boys and was no longer visible to the naked eye
"I saw you watching us" Michelle said coming over to me at my locker
"I'm sorry?" I asked
"You heard me. Don't get any idea's. He wouldn't be into someone like you" She said looking me up and down before walking off
Someone like me? What does that mean

"Hey Eldon, could I borrow you a second" I said walking over to the boys, they all looked at me. James' expression was confused as was Eldon's 
"Uh yeah sure" he said as the pair of us walked away. 
I'm my own head now, how can one comment make me completely spiral like this
Michelle's opinion on me shouldn't matter this much
I couldn't care less on her view
But something about it is sticking in my head and I can't escape it 

"Everything okay Riles?" Eldon asked as we got to a quieter part of the corridor
"Is there something wrong with me?" I asked quietly to avoid anyone else overhearing
"What?" He asked confused
"Is there something wrong with me? Like I am not good enough?" I asked making him look at me more confused
"Riley what's going on?" he asked and I shook my head
"Please just answer the question" I replied and Eldon's gaze was looking straight at me as if he was trying to read me
"Of course you are good enough Riley. In all honestly, you're too good for this shitty town" He replied making me sigh
"Has someone said something?" He asked and I quickly shook my head
I didn't need him knowing about all of drama, this should be the least of his worries 

"Riley come on, talk to me" He whispered but I shook my head before walking away from him
I continued to walk through the halls before heading past James. He took one look at me and attempted to run after me but I out ran him
I didn't know where I was going, but I needed to get out of that place


"What the hell happened?" I asked as Eldon came back over, at this point I was only waiting on Eldon before we headed to meet up with the boys
"I don't know but whatever it is, it isn't good" He said scratching the back of his neck
"What happened" I asked worried 
"I don't know, she starting asking me questions like is there something wrong with her or if she was good enough" He said looking at me

I looked back at the direction that Riley had ran in the hope she would walk back through those doors again
"what is going on" Eldon asked and I shrugged because honestly I had no idea 

After dropping Eldon off home, I headed straight to Riley's house only to see her car not on the drive and no lights on. I'm assuming that her parents weren't home either 
I've tried calling her but never got a response. What was I meant to do? Camp out here till she eventually comes home?


Why am I here, she's too busy right now
You need to learn to stop being such a problem Riley. Not everyone will drop their stuff for you, including Emily 
"Riley!" I hear her voice call as she opened the door to her dorm room
"Hey" I whispered making her facial expression change instantly
"What's wrong?" she asked allowing me to come inside


"Riley what are you worrying about? Sounds to me like you have a good thing going with this James kid" She smiled holding my hands as we sat on the sofa talking 
"I'm not good enough Em" I replied and she sighed placing her hand on my cheek
"Of course you are Riley, whether you see it or not. You've always been worth more then you'll ever admit" She said gently stroking my cheek

"you've always had this hidden worth that you are scared to let anyone see Riley" She whispered causing my breath to hitch slightly
"I can't do this, I can't let him put his life on hold for someone like me" I said making Emily to look at me again
"What do you mean someone like you Riles?" She asked
"Someone who spirals because of something someone says, someone who panics over the little things, someone who cries over hearing her parents argue over money" I rambled
"Riley, we've both been there. That doesn't shelter our worth" She said and I sighed

"It's not fair on James" I replied
"I'm sure James has seen that side of you and loves you for it, I'm sure you've seen sides to him that he would have rather you didn't too. It's how relationships work" Emily tried to explain
I wasn't buying a single second of it
I know James deserves so much more then me
He deserves a pretty girl like Michelle. A popular one who can keep up with his reputation
Not me, not the one who could change that all for him

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