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Growing up, I was always told to be cautious about going out on your own late and I never understood why people would be lurking in the darkness. 
I got to the park that Emily and I would always escape to, it hasn't changed a single moment since I was 5 years old. A little girl running around as her pigtails flew about chasing after her big sister
"How did things get so hard" I said to myself on the swing as I start to gently push myself
It's been a long time since I've had Emily here to help me. She went away from college 2 years ago, as much as she comes home as often as she can it just isn't enough. The second she comes home our parents act like they are still madly in love with each other
Lucky for me, both Emily and I had grown to see through their little scheme
We were little kids anymore, we could see what was right in front of me

"Did nobody tell you growing up to not be out so late on your own?" I heard a voice say, I quickly wiped the tears that had fallen before looking over at the entrance of the play park to James walking over. I narrowed my eyes at him. What could he possibly want
"Didn't you mother ever tell you not to follow a girl in the dark?" I asked making him laugh
"my mother taught me a lot of things" He smirked taking a seat on the swing
"Modesty was not one of them I take it" I replied making him laugh
"Ooof that one hurt" He replied placing a hand on his heart
I didn't reply, I had no idea why James of all people was sat next to me but I can't help but think It wasn't good news
"What's wrong? Daddy not giving you everything you want" He asked making me roll my eyes
"I'm not like one of your girls James so don't even try" I said only making James smirk at me more
"One of my girls?" He asked and I nodded looking at him
"I'm not about to fall into any of your stupid games" I reminded him to which he rolled his eyes
"I mean I came over to check if you were okay, not to hit any nerves with the dad comment" he said making it sounds almost sincere
I shook my head, this boy was clueless but on the same hand. Who was he to know
"I should get going" I muttered walking out

Was right now a good time to go home? Yes
Was I going to? No

I walked over to the old pond that was once full of ducks, baby ducks, mama ducks. All the ducks
Dad used to bring Emily and I here all the time to feed them. It was our father daughter treat of the week. Every Saturday
I don't know what happened to make everything get this bad, all I want is the our old family back. The one without the arguments, the one with out the inevitable divorce hanging over all of our heads
I'm always opened minded in these kind of situations but lately my mentality is become drained. I've having to dodge my parents to stop any ongoing arguments from being witnessed, I'm trying to make my way through school with little to no attention and that in it's self is hard enough
"I'm not following you I swear" The same voice from 20 minutes ago said, I turned to see James stood on the path near the pond
"It's okay" I muttered and he took that as an invite.
"Are you okay though?" He asked and I nodded
He didn't need to know the ins and out
"Just some family arguments. No big deal" I replied trying my best to keep my tear stained face hidden
"Lord I know all about that" He replied leaning back on his hands
I glanced over at him slightly confused. He would be the last person I thought would understand 
"My parents are divorced. My mother tries to buy my affection where as my dad would barely give me the time of day" He chuckled. Clearly he has become comfortable with this new way of life
"Part of me wishes I had that" I muttered causing James' faze to shift from the pond now onto me
"Wanna talk about it?" he asked and I shrugged looking down at my hands
"Hey you don't know me, I don't know you. What's the harm" He offered. That's the thing, that is only half true, I know him. I know all about him as much as I wish I didn't
"My parents argue constantly" I muttered looking down fiddling with my hands
"Are they still together?" James asked and I nodded tucking a piece of hair behind my hair
"They are only together because of me. But that's become their weapon. Any argument it's brought up" I said letting another tear fall
"Listen, I know it's not the greatest to hear them doing this constantly but at least they are fighting for you" He said, I won't lie. That side of things has never really crossed my mind
Looking over at James, he didn't have the same smirk he usually has, it's been returned with a genuine smile

"You're wrong you know" I said causing James to look at me confused
"What?" he asked
"I know who you are. You aren't exactly the quietest in our year" I replied making him laugh a little too loudly
"You're in my school?" he asked and I nodded with a little scoff
"Well hey, let's start again. I'm James" He said offering me his hand, I chuckled a little
"I'm Riley" I replied making him smile
Part of me is curious on whether this is genuine or if it is just another silly little game of his
"How come you aren't at Michelle's?" James asked and I rolled my eyes
"I wouldn't be caught dead at one of those" I replied. I get enough of seeing everyone at school. I don't need to witness their drunken mistake
"Mad respect" He replied
"And you? Why aren't you there?" I asked
"It's Michelle's I'll hear more about it if I don't go" He said confidently
"Plus, I've never really been a big party person as much as nobody would ever believe that" He responded, once again he was hard to read but I feel like he was being very sincere 

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