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I walk into my room at my father's 2 weeks later and head straight to the window. Hoping to god, Riley left her curtains open like we usually would.. It's the first time I've been at my dad's since the break up
But as soon as I got there, my heart shattered a little more
The curtains were open but her window was shut. I had no way of talking to her. She's completely cut me off
"What do I do" I muttered to myself before hearing a knock at me door
"Yeah" I asked before seeing Hope enter
"Hey, I'm heading next door to give little Riley some food if you want to come? I heard her parents arguing once again" Hope said sounding genuinely concerned 
"Sure" I replied hoping this would be my ticket in to talk to Riley

As we walked next door, you could hear the voices of both of her parents getting louder with every step closer
"I'm getting the door!" I hear her dad yell, he flung the door open with such a force that the entire door shock
"Hey Johnathan, we had some extra's tonight so figure you three could enjoy some too. I know it's one of Riley's favourites" Hope said making his whole body shift from tense to a little calmer
"Thanks Hope, I sure Riley would love some if she ever comes home" He said sounding sad
"Where is she?" I asked and he looked me up and down
"she snapped at her mother and I for arguing and then stormed off" He said
I looked over at Hope with worry in both of our eyes
But I know exactly where she went


If I don't ever have to step inside that house, it'll be too soon. It's like they can't go a day without arguing. If their life is that miserable then why are they putting themselves through it. It doesn't make sense 
They've spent their entire life telling me how precious time is, how you should spend time with the people that truly matter in your life, people that truly make you happy
But it's obvious that they don't make each other happy. Yes perhaps they used to but even that happiness is over with. They should still be clinging on

"Riley" I hear a voice say, I've grown to know who's voice that is
"James what are you doing here? How do you even know I was here?" I asked looking at him as he came over and sat next to me by the pond
That was a stupid question. Of course he would know I would be at the pond
"Hope and I brought around some food and your dad told us what happened" He said, I looked at him and I wanted to let him in
Like I really wanted to 
But I'm too much even for myself to put up with
With one look of his big brown eyes, I was hooked again and I was on the verge of breaking down all over again
"It's okay" He said pulling me onto his lap, engulfing me into a hug
"It's okay" He repeated stroking my hair while I cried into him
"I can't do this anymore" I replied making him hug me tighter
"Can't do what Ri" He asked and for the first time, I was scared of my answer
"Life" I whispered causing James to stop moving for a second before hugging me as close as he could

"I'm here Riley, let me in please" he begged, I shook my head still staying in his arms hugging him
"I can't James" I whispered
"Please, please try Riley" He continued to beg, I pulled away lightly looking at him in the face
"You don't want to be around when I hit rock bottom" I said bowing my head, James took one of his hand placing it on my chin bringing my gaze up to meet him
"I won't let you fall that far and if for some reason you do.. I'll be there to catch you" He whispered placing our foreheads together
"It's not fair on your James" I whispered and He shook his head
"Stop worrying about me Riley" He replied and I looked at him again
"I'm in it for the long haul" He whispered
"What if it gets ugly?" I asked
"Then so be it" He replied making me smile slightly
"I'm so sorry" I said beginning to cry again
"It's okay Ri, It's okay" He said hugging me again
"No more secrets, no shutting me out, no hiding in the background. I'm going to be there every single second" He replied as we pulled away

We stayed in this position for a little while longer before I turned to face James once more
"You didn't give up" I asked 
"I would never" He replied with a smile
"It's okay to not be okay Riley, you just need that one person to be there to pull you out and so help me god I plan to be that person. Whether you let me or not" He said making me smile
I looked at him once more before gently pressing my lips against his
I don't know what I was doing, but I knew that this felt right in this moment and that is all that matters  

Dangerous LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora