
The news of James' new girl had made it's rounds at school and I won't lie, I was entertained with the elaborate stories of what was happening
There was one about him dating some girl away at college.
Another assumes it's someone's mum
While of course Michelle made it out to be her
Michelle is certainly something, I don't quit understand her obsession, I get James is a great guy but god give him a break

"Eldon, if you are coming over complaining about being ditched, I'm not driving you" I groaned keeping my eyes on the pile of work in front of you
"Now I know that isn't just homework" I hear a familiar voice say, I look up to see James stood in front of me instead of my usual visitor
"what are you doing here?" I asked 
"Figured I could trick you into hanging out" He laughed and I rolled my eyes
"You don't need to trick me, I thought we were meeting at the pond anyway" I replied and he nodded
"no we are but I wanted to hang out now too" He replied taking a seat opposite me
"I've got a ton of work to be doing James" I replied and he nodded taking out his bag
"Wouldn't hurt me actually doing some too to be honest with you Ri" He said, I raised my eye brows at him. I didn't even think he understood the purpose of homework 
I didn't dare say anything, instead I let him crack on while I tackled my lot

"And done" I smiled sending the final thing to the printer
"Oh thank god" James said making me laugh, poor boy has been doing homework for the last 2 hours
"What were you even working on" James asked as we packed all of our stuff up
"Extra credit" I replied grabbing my printing as we left
"I shouldn't have asked" He replied throwing his arm over my shoulder as we walked causing me to look up at him shaking my head



"can you order my usual, I'm gonna head to the toilet" I asked smiling as Riley nodded heading over to our usual booth
This diner has sort of just become our place just like the pond. I like it, having places for the two of us

Now you see, I'm not an aggressive person but tell me why I wanted to ring this blonde boys neck as I watched his exchange with Riley
That was my Riley and I'm afraid I don't share
"Well could I get your number? Maybe we could hang out when I'm not at work" He asked and I raised my eyebrow
I finally arrived at the booth to hear a sigh of relief come from Riley
"Hey babe" I smiled at her before turning to the dweeb in front of me
"Who's this?" I asked looking at the name tag Charlie
"This is our waiter for the evening" Riley said
"Oh great! Can I get Burger and Fries with a Chocolate milkshake" I asked making Charlie nod while trying to hide his embarrassment
"Did you want your usual Ri?" I asked and she nodded clearly enjoying the exchange
"She'll have the Chicken tenders, fries with a lemonade" I replied making sure Charlie wrote it all down
"Now who was the jealous one" Riley chuckled as we watched Charlie walk away
"Hey, don't act like you wanted to give him your number" I said smirking at her 

Riley and I have grown to be so comfortable around each other, it's not often we have secrets.
"Did you hear about Michelle today" Riley said looking up at me as we both laid around on the grass by the pond, she was laying on her back while I laid on my side slightly in front of her
"Do I want to know?" I asked and Riley nodded biting her lip
"Go on then Ri" I replied making her giggle a little bit
"Well, one of your boys let it slip about you having a girl on the scene, she's made it known that it's her" Riley teased making me shake my head laughing
"That girl" I replied
"Hey, she's your girlfriend" Riley said continuing to tease me
"Go on say it again" I replied lifting my hands knowing full well she would
"Michelle is your girlfriend" She sung quickly getting up and running off 
"That's it" I said chasing her
For someone so small, Riley was fast but I was faster
"Gotcha" I replied grabbing Riley's waist as we both fell to the ground as I tickled her
"Stopppp" She laughed turning red in the face 
"Take it back" I said continuing to tickle you
"Finee!" She squealed making me smile feeling achieved, I place both of my hands by her head still hovering over her
"Michelle would love to-" Riley started before I crashed my lips against her
Don't ask me why I did it, I don't have a clue but it felt right
As a moment passed Riley realised what was happening and I felt her smile into the kiss as her arms wrapped around my neck pulling me in a little closer
I chuckled as we pulled away
"You were saying" I replied looking down at a red Riley laying there with her hands now covering her face

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