
I walked into school the next morning heading straight to my locker
After everything that happened over the weekend, I took most of Sunday to kind of process it but my view remains the same. James is not at fault
He was a stupid kid, he was intoxicated, high as a kite. All provided for by Connor
James didn't force his sister to sleep with him, James doesn't even remember it.

"good morning" James smiled pressing his lips against mine as I joined the boys at their usual spot
"Good morning" I replied cuddling up to him
Now I know for a fact, Connor was not going to make this easy at all. He was going to do all he can to push both James' and I's buttons
But a united front is better, so much better then James attempting this on his own
We all know that would end up in a blood bath...

"Where did you disappear to the other night?" Hunter asked wriggling his eye brows
"You know Hunter, you might have a chance at getting a girlfriend if you thought about more then just sex" I said making James chuckle 
"Who mentioned Sex Riley?" he smirked making me roll my eyes


Today had been pretty simple, I don't know what I was expecting 
I don't know
Part of me can't shake the feeling that something was bound to happen
"Riley Riley Riles" Eldon sung coming over to me locker at the end of the day, I chuckled before closing it and looking at him
"Does someone need a ride?" I asked and he chuckled
"Aren't you coming to the park anyway?" He asked and I nodded smiling 

Before I had the chance to reply I felt someone slap my ass making me jump at the touch
I can promise you now. That was not James

I quickly snapped around to see Connor stood there
"hey dickhead" Eldon said pushing him away
"El leave him, he aint even worth it" I said pulling Eldon back
Connor stood there laughing 
"Oh look at Riley, little miss princess standing strong?" He asked and I chuckled in return before I turned around to look at him again

"What's wrong now? Is she finally about to stand on her own two feet" He asked as I took a step forward
"Why? Scared your little friends wouldn't like you anymore if your ass gets kicked by a girl?" I asked
"Riley?" James said making me turn to him offering him a smile before turning back to Connor
"Your bitch is calling" He said pointing to James who took a step forward

"You know Connor, you are a piece of shit" I said making him laugh
"Oh yeah? Do i need to fill you in on that fucking prick your dating" He snapped stepping closer to me
"I know who James is, I know about your sister. I know it all" I said standing my ground. James was now directly behind me prepared to stand in the second it got physical
"Shut your mouth Riley. You don't get to speak about her" He growled
"If I don't get to speak about her then stop intruding into my relationship" I spat back

"you know for a fact I knew you sister, you know for a fact I was there a lot more then you were. So don't even act like this high and mighty brother Connor" I spat back
There we go my secret is out.. I knew Megan

"I was there" he whispered and I looked at him
"Not when she needed you. You were too obsessed with your friends, your parties. She was sick and you just let it slip by without a second thought" I said and he looked at me
His once green eyes now turning dark

"she never once mentioned James to me, in fact leading up to that night. I had no idea James and her were even friends. I didn't even know you guys hung out" I said 
"you need to stop putting the blame on other people Connor. You know it is not what Megan would want and you know for a fact that it was a fucking accident" I said

"Walk away Riley" He growled
"Why? Scared that you know everything I've said is the truth?" I asked, he stared at me for a while. I knew it was only a matter of time before he cracked and walked away.

Sure enough I was right. He soon broke eye contact with me heading away with all of his friends
Something tells me though. This was not the end of our Connor debacle 

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