
"Do you think her dad will actually make her leave?" I asked Eldon as we sat with the boys in the park, Riley was due to be meeting us sometime soon but couldn't give a definite answer on a time
"I really hope not but like I said the other day.. I had never seen him like that in the entire time I'd known him" He sighed, I want to think positive but at the end of the day, I'm not about to ask Riley to chose me over her family

"Oh my god" I heard Eldon say, I turned to look in the direction of his gaze to see Riley walking over with her Sister by her side. 
All of the boys including myself turned to look at Eldon who was clearly in a state of panic. It was evident he had no idea she was back in town
"Heyy" Riley said joining us coming to sit next to me giving me a small kiss as she sat while Emily smiled at us all and sat next to Ri
"Guys this is my sister Emily, Em this is Hunter, West, Daniel, James and well we all know you know Eldon" Riley said with her usually sweet smile
"So you're the famous James" Emily said raising her eyebrows
"I want to say no? But I don't think it'll be believable" I replied making Riley elbow me causing us all to share a small laugh
"How have you been?" Eldon asked finally breaking his new found silence
"I've been alright El, what about you?" Emily responded, I placed my arm around Riley's waist as we continued to watch this exchange

"How's college?" He then asked
"College is something that is for sure" Emily replied 
"Come with me?" I whispered into Riley's ear, she looked at me with a smile on her face before nodding taking my hand as we left the awkward encounter behind us


Emily being in town was a shock to us all, I came home to find here in the living room in a shouting match with dad. Truth be told she inherited his lungs
"So Emily is home? What does that mean for moving?" James asked, I sighed interlocking our fingers
"I don't know. She is fighting my corner but there is only so much Em can do" I replied and he nodded
"What do you think the chances are?" he then asked
"Better with Emily here that is for sure" I chuckled making James join in
"I don't mean to overpanic" He said bowing his head
"I think I would be more upset if you weren't panicked" I said smiling at him as he placed our lips together
"What do you think the chances of me stealing you for the evening is?" I asked and Riley chuckled
"slim to none I'm afraid, we only came for a hello. Dad wants to have a chat with us once mum is home" I replied and James sigh again

James and I soon headed back over to everyone to put everyone out of the misery
"Ready Em?" I asked making her look at me with pure relief in her eyes
"Yes" She said quickly rising to her feet
"I'll see you later" I laughed looking at James
"Alright" He said kissing me once more
"Bye boys!" I chuckled before Emily was practically dragging me away
"No wonder she never fucking dated you man" Hunter said making me snigger to myself again

Here we were. Back at square one, sitting in the car in front of our house
"We can't hide out here forever" Emily said putting her hand on top of mine
"I can't move Emily" I whispered and she nodded
"I know Riles, I know" She said offering me her comforting smile. The same smile that on any other time would have worked but this time, I don't think anything can help
After a couple more minutes of silence, Emily and I decided it was best to head inside to whatever hell awaits us 
"You've got this Riley" Emily said flinging her arm over my shoulder with another smile as we walked through our front door to see both of our parents sat on the sofa waiting for our return home.
It was now or never...

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