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"So your telling me that you have never done this?" West was asking Riley as we all sat around the park after school that afternoon
"Done what exactly?" she asked 
"Danced just willy nilly in the park?" West asked and Riley chuckled
"Can safely say I haven't" She replied
"now that just won't do" West said rising to his feet
"May I James?" West asked, I chuckled nodding to him
West is the most craziest person I'm yet to meet, it should be interesting to see how this new friendship progresses

"I haven't seen her smile so much in 24 hours" Eldon said tapping my foot with his
"I'm glad" I replied watching as West quickly spun Riley around pulling her every which way
"He's going to give her fucking whip lash" Hunter laughed watching the duo
It was pretty sweet to see, Riley letting lose and West having someone new to torment 
"This is going to be a strange new dynamic. Who knows, maybe she'll tame West" Daniel laughed, I glanced back over at the two now dancing a little calmer
"Can anyone tame West?" Eldon laughed
"I don't know, look at them" I said watching as Riley was trying to teach West how to do a pirouette
"She's something ain't she" Daniel said and both Eldon and I nodded
"She certainly is" I replied 

After a good half an hour of messing around, I think Riley had finally worn West out enough
"James my man, your girl. She's flexible" West laughed falling to the floor as they both came over, Riley laughed a little before coming over to me taking a seat next to me
I smiled looking at her
She had nothing to worry about it, I know now that she is an overthinker and I'll always do what I can to make sure that she knows she's safe with me
"How long is it since you last danced Riles?" Eldon asked. Eldon met both Riley and Emily at baby ballet I believe
"not that long actually, I booked out a room in a local studio every couple of weeks just to let of some steam" Riley answered, this was something I did not know
"I didn't know you still danced" I replied and she nodded
"I can't compete anymore but I still do it" She said and I smiled
"You don't know everything I'm afraid" she teased tapping my nose
I like this side of Ri, the one who is more confident, the one more comfortable with teasing  

"What is Emily doing now a days" Eldon said making Riley give him a look
The same look I give him in fact
"Why do you torment yourself like that, it's almost as embarrassing as not having your license" Riley said making all of us bar Eldon laugh
"Riley Riley, don't forget I can embarrass the crap out of you" Eldon said raising his eyebrows
"Oh yeah? Right back at your Eldon" Riley replied crossing her arms
"Just remember what happened at our Junior Division Nationals" Riley said smirking making Eldon's eyes widen
"Oh story time!" Hunter said clapping
"Don't you dare" Eldon warned pointing at Riley who was in an almost fit of laughter
"Don't test me" She said making everyone fall silent staring at the pair to see who would crack first
"Screw you" Eldon said giving up covering his face with his hands
We all burst out laughing before Eldon finally resurfaced, I looked over at Riley kissing her cheek making he look at me
"what was that for?" She asked and I shrugged
"Just because" I replied making her smile 


"Are you sure that you don't want to meet tonight?" I asked standing at Riley's car with her, she was dropping Eldon home and wanted to stay in for the night
"It's already pretty late and someone didn't let me go to the Library after school sooooo I have a tone of homework to catch up on" She replied wrapping her arms around my neck while mine were happily on her waist
"And I can't persuade you other wise" I said getting so close to her face that our lips would occasionally brush against each other as we spoke
"Nope" she said popping the P
"As cute as this is. I just want to remind you both I'm still here" Eldon said making both Riley and I pull away slightly
"I should get him home" Riley chuckled
"Eldon man, dip a sec" I said making Eldon roll his eyes, Riley pressed the key to unlock the car so Eldon could get in
"I'll see you in the morning?" I asked and Riley nodded
"See you in the morning" She smiled
"Excuse me, you're forgetting something" I replied making her look at me confused

I smiled before pouting waiting for her to kiss me goodbye, she giggled lightly leaning up pressing our lips against each other smiling into the kiss. I let her arms wrap around my neck once more as I pulled her close
"Better?" She asked and I nodded

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