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"I hear Em is back in town" Eldon said coming over to my locker the next morning
"What?" I asked taking out my Chem book
"Emily, that's where you've been disappearing to lately?" He offered and I shook my head slowly
"Emily is still very much at college" I replied glancing over at him
"Then where has little Riley been off to?" Eldon asked and I rolled my eyes
"Where did you even get this information from?" I asked
"I stopped by yours last night to as for a ride" He said turning red with embarrassment 
"And they told you I was out with Emily?" I asked and he shook his head
"I was just trying to piece two and two together" He confessed
"Well, I'm afraid isn't Emily" I replied chuckling
"Whoever it is, I'll break their legs if they break your heart" He winked before hearing the commotion behind us. We both turned to glace to see Hunter putting West in a playful headlock
"I should get going" Eldon said and I chuckled nodding allowing him to run over to the boys
As my gaze kept lingering at the boys, I met James' eyes who is smiling directly at me before my phone went off

James: You look beautiful today💛 

I smiled at his text before playfully rolling my eyes at him closing my locker and heading to first period
Neither of us have spoken about the kiss last night and I don't really know what I would even say. This isn't me, I don't do this but at the same time, with James it just feels right


"Glad you could finally join us!" Daniel teased Eldon as he came to join us after finishing talking to Ri
"Sorry, I have friends out side of your dickheads" Eldon joked pushing Daniel
"How's your favourite little lady" Hunter smirked as he watched Riley walk away. This boy is on very thin ice
"I wouldn't look at her like that if I were you, she's spoken for now" Eldon played, I looked at him slightly confused
"what do you mean?" I asked
"she's been out meeting with some dude every night, we'll I'm assuming it was a guy since she wouldn't give me any details" Eldon said putting his back on the floor
"Yeah like any guy would give her the time of day" Hunter laughed causing me to narrow my eyes at him again
"well clearly someone would" I respond
"Yeah, Riley is actually one of the most genuine girls I've ever met. Whoever this dude is, he's one lucky guy" Eldon said 
Thanks man, I know I am..

I walked the empty halls later that day. I should be in Trig right now but come on. Me and Maths go together like oil and water. We don't
"I've already told you" I hear a familiar voice say, I walked around the corner to see Riley talking to some guy from the year above us
"It's obvious that you don't want to be a nobody for the rest of your school life" He teased placing his hand on his arm
Man you better watch your step
"It's obvious that you can't understand why a girl would say no to you" Riley said making me chuckle a little. I loved her feisty side
"No girls say no to me" He continued tightening his grip on her arm, I could see it turning a pinkish colour
"Leave her alone!" I called walking over to them both, the guy looked at me and then I realised who it was
"James, I'm just having a conversation with Riley here. It's no big deal" Connor warned me. That was his tone to fuck off
"Doesn't look like she wants this conversation" I replied grabbing Ri and ripping her out of his grip.
Connor squared up to me
"Is that how it's going to be James?" He asked and I nodded
"Yes Connor" I replied keeping one arm on Riley in case of any sudden movements
"So be it" He growled walking away 

As soon as he was out of sight, I quickly turned to look at Riley, she had tears almost streaming down her face while she cradled her arm
"Let me see" I offered looking at her arm. It was going to bruise that was certain
"Oh Ri" I replied pulling her into a tight hug
"Thankyou" She whispered gripping my shirt as I held her close
We stayed in this position for quite some time but I don't think either of us cared.
The only reason we pulled a part was the sound of the bell meaning that the corridor would be full of teenagers in a matter of seconds
"Pond tonight?" I asked and Riley smiled nodding before giving me a quick but sweet kiss on the lips and leaving right as the first classroom door opened

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