
"So what is the plan?" I asked James as he began to drive, he chuckled shining a smile in my direction
"I mean, usually this is when people would give an answer" I asked rolling my eyes at he put his finger to his lips signally me to shush
We continued to drive for what felt like an eternity when James sudden looked at me with a devious smile on his face
"What?" I asked
"Do you trust me?" He asked causing me to instantly worry
"Depends" I asked and he chuckled before opening every single window in the car, including the sun roof
"What are you doing" I asked and he smirked before driving a little fast allowing the window to come smashing through the open windows making both of us burst into laughing
"Stand up" He said, I looked at him concerned and confused
"What?" I asked
"Stand up through the sun roof. Trust me you'll love it" He said, I looked at him before looking up at the sun roof
"Take a risk Riley" He chuckled before focusing more on the road
James was right, I need to take more risks. I smiled once more before unbuckling my seatbelt causing James to smile at the sound

With in a matter of seconds I pushed myself up off of my seat standing up through the sun roof. It was crazy up here, the wind wiping my face as we drove, watching as all the trees past us just as fast as you'd expect
Every second I spent up here in this position the more my problems back home seemed to be nothing more then just a bad memory. 
Letting go was one thing I never thought James would be able to show me how to do but god this boy is good at it
"Everything good up there?" James said tapping my leg as he continued to drive
"It's incredible" I smiled running my hands through my hair allowing it all to fly about 

After we began to slow I came back into the car, my whole body freezing from the wind
"See, I knew you'd like it" James smiled handing me a blanket it from his back seat
"How did you know?" I asked happily cuddling up to the blanket
"I used to do the same during my parents divorce. I would get one of the boys to drive so I could do it" James smiled 
"And the blanket?" I asked
"The wind is a bitch" He chuckled knowing he wasn't wrong
We pulled into a small roadside diner, it was cute as hell. I don't think I've ever heard of it before
"hungry?" James asked and I shrugged
"I could eat" I replied making him nod with a slightly eye roll as we both got out of the car


As soon as we were seated we ordered some food and began to fill the time with some small talk
"So how do you know Grace?" Riley asked, I looked over at her confused
"You know Grace?" I asked and she nodded
"She's lived there for a couple months now and always brings food over when she hears my parents arguing" Riley said smiling
"Your dad on the other hand. I don't think he likes me or my family" She laughed taking a sip of her lemonade
"My dad doesn't like anyone, don't even worry about it" I replied
"I know I'm not someone who's opinion you should care about but Grace isn't as bad as you think she is" Riley said, I sighed knowing she was probably right
It's not that I don't like the woman, it's that I don't like what my father did to my mother
"He cheated didn't he" Riley said making me raise an eyebrow
"how did you?" I asked and she smiled taking a hold of one of my hands
"I know the look James. Emily had that on her face when she found out about my mum" Riley said and my gaze softened on her
"Your mum cheated?" I asked and she nodded, she nodded confidently 
"I don't know why she's still sticking around. It's constant arguments over the stupidest of things. I agree with what you said yesterday but I don't want them to fight for me if this is the aftermath" Riley said making my heart sink a little
"Is it really that bad?" I asked. It isn't that I don't believe her, it's more of the fact I couldn't imagine them arguing that much
"I don't remember a day they went without an argument" Riley confessed as we both sighed at the same time 

I don't remember the last time I laughed this much, Riley and I have been at this diner all afternoon and it's become a running theme that we commentate what other people around are talking about
"Alright, guy in the red sweater" I said pointing to the bloke who had just walked in
"Oh easy! He was coming home from work. Got a text from his partner and decided he needs a drink before going home" Riley said eating another fry
I glance over to the guy in question to see the waitress giving him a bottle of beer
"Ooo you were right!" I said flinging a fry at her
"okay, couple that just walked in" Riley said with a smile
"Oh first date" I replied and Riley shook her head
"Nope, I reckon it's the 3rd" Riley said so confidently 
"Why is that?" I asked
"No girl I know of would ever wear Jeans and trainers to a first date" She answered. I guess that is a fair point
"I forgot you girls like playing dress up" I said wiggling my eyebrows at her
"Your girls might but I couldn't care" She replied, I think that is one thing I like about Riley. 
She isn't like the usual girls who hang around the guys and I
"So you are telling me? For the right guy, you wouldn't dress up?" I asked and Riley shrugged finishing her last bit of lemonade
"If a guy really wants me to dress up, is he really worth dating?" She asked pursing her lips as she finished talking
"How 2021 of you" I replied making her roll her eyes laughing

"Thankyou for today" Riley smiled as we got out of the car back at the house. I smiled back
"Don't even worry about it. I had fun too" I replied, I watched as she continued to smile
Before Riley had the opportunity to run off I opened my arms asking for a hug
That in itself was strange. I'm not a hugger.
"See you later James"  Riley said as we pulled away
"See you soon Riley" I smiled as I watched her disappear into her house

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