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"Yeah, I'm pretty certain this is the place she texted me about" Eldon said as we arrived at an old building, tonight was the night Riley had a room booked or something so we thought we would surprise her. 
"Change of plans though" Eldon said looking at her phone
"She's hanging with one of the competition teams, they needed an extra person to work a routine tonight" Eldon said with a smile
He truly is like that big brother that Riley never knew she needed
"Let's go" I smiled
"Wasn't this place an old Chicken Factory or something?" Hunter asked
"Only the best Chicken Factory" West teased, remind me why my friends are such weirdo's

"Here" I said looking in through an open door to see Riley in what I'm assuming was her starting position
"Alright, Riley are you sure you're ready?" One of the boys asked and Riley nodded and then started the music 

"I knew she could dance but I was not expecting that" West said with a smile
"She's full of surprises" I replied
"She looks incredibly happy though" Eldon smiled and I nodded watching as Riley did her solo part
As the number finished Riley glanced over at us again smiling before coming over
"Hey" She smiled taking grabbing her water bottle and sitting next to me

I went to put my arm around her before she stopped me. What a blockade
"I wouldn't, I'm incredible sweaty" She said and I laughed putting my arm around her anywhere
"It doesn't matter" I said kissing her lips making her smile
"You ready to go?" Eldon asked and Riley happily nodded
I grabbed her dance bag from beside me as we all headed out of the room
"Oh Riley wait a second!" An older woman said calling after us, we all turned and Riley went over
"Thankyou" was all I managed to hear before the lady hugged Riley
"Everything okay?" I asked and she nodded with a smile


"Now, I think someone owes me a story?" I said to Riley making her look up from laying on my chest by the pond
"Hmmm?" She asked
"Michelle?" I asked making Riley completely tense up
"How about we say we talked about it and then we don't?" She asked flashing a fake smile at me, I pecked her lips making her smile properly
"Cute but spill" I replied and Riley sighed sitting up so she could sit cross legged in front of me
"It really isn't a big thing I swear" She said tucking her hair behind her hair
"Yeah sure Ri, you've already given me 2 of your Anxious signs" I said making he chuckle lightly 

"you know the day I called it quits? I set you free?" Riley asked making my breath hitch but I quickly nodded
"she said something to me and it made me spiral. It isn't even the first time she's managed to do it" Riley said fiddling with her fingers, there is sign number 3
"Ri, what did she say" I asked and Riley look at me biting the insides of her cheek, sign number 4
"Riley" I said in a gently tone
"She said you wouldn't be into someone like me" She said quietly 
"someone like you?" i asked and she nodded
"Well that Michelle clearly lets her blonde hair get to her brain. You're an incredible person Riley and I would be stupid not to be interested" I chuckled pulling her closer by her waist making her giggle again
"You sure? I mean you can still have the escape if you want" She replied and I shook my head
"I'm good right here" I smiled pressing my lips against hers allowing one of her hands to tangle itself into my hair
"You've got nothing to worry about okay?" I said to her as we pulled away, she looked at me and smile
"Okay" was all she replied before gently reaching up to my lips again

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