sick day // 10

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A/N: Thank you Mikaela for requesting this (my first ever request!) She is absolutely lovely, and so is her writing. She writes stellar Imagines so go check her out. Her username is @newtstrackhoe and this is dedicated to her so... yeah <3 Anyways, this is an AU, so enjoy. 

You woke up with heavy eyes, your throat sore and your body overheated. Normally your boyfriend Newt would have left for school by now, but he lay beside you, tangled in the sheets of your bed. Your parents were out of town for the week, and since Newt lived right next door he agreed to keep you company.

You pushed yourself up onto your elbows, and eyed him up. His cheeks were flushed, and you reached a hand over and felt his forehead. He was burning up.

He looked so peaceful, so you decided not to wake him. You'd been sick for a few days, and he'd been taking care of you. Although you still felt crummy, you wanted to return the favour.

After a few more moments of dream filled bliss, you dragged yourself from bed, standing up with unsteady legs. Your normally straight hair was frizzing above your head like a halo as you walked towards the kitchen, deciding to put on a kettle of tea for him. He really loved English Breakfast, and although he never said it out loud you knew it reminded him of home.

You caught a quick glimpse of your reflection in the mirror and grunted at yourself. It was evident you hadn't left the house in days. While the water boiled you put some bread in the your small metal toaster, pushing it down with your pointer and index fingers. You also grabbed a can of baked beans from the cupboard and opened it sloppily with a can opener.

Once you'd set the breakfast up at the table, you tip toed back to your room. Newt was still asleep, and you climbed gently towards him, pressing kisses to his forehead and cheeks. Finally his eyes fluttered open, and they searched around hazily before coming to lock on you.

He smiled groggily as you brushed some strands of his dirty blonde hair behind his ear.

"Good morning love" he murmured, his voice scratchy. He ran his fingers across the palm of your hands as you watched him. He seemed to finally realize where he was and what time it was "Bloody hell, I have school! I have to—"

You laughed lightly "You aren't going to school, you're sick."


"You've been taking care of me for days, now it's my turn to take care of you" he didn't protest. You pulled the covers off him, and held your hand out to help him up. "I made you breakfast."

You helped him to the kitchen, his hand wrapped around your waist. Maybe for support (but you doubted it). His eyes went wide when he saw the beans and toast laid out on the table, with the tea sitting in the center.

"You made this for me?" he sat down on one side of your small table, inhaling the smell.

You smiled at him "of course, silly. Well, and for myself."

He kept looking between you and the food, "Y/N, you really didn't have to."

You plopped down in the seat opposite, meeting his eyes dead on "Shut up and eat," you said playfully. He obliged. After a moment you added "And I wanted to."

After breakfast was finished, you both moved over to the couch. The cushions beckoned you, as yous snatched up a blanket to wrap yourselves in.

You and Newt loved watching horror movies. Even though they scared you you still found a certain thrill in it, something that was deeply enjoyable. They made your blood pump, and you loved snuggling up beside Newt, having him reassure you.

"So what's first?" you ask.

You had a small box of movies positioned beside the couch, and Newt reached over and started fingering through them. "We should watch Cabin in the Woods, it's by Joss Whedon. Looks good, and anything by Joss Whedon is gold" he says, his eyebrows scrunched adorably in concentration. (I made Newt a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, don't hate me)

"I'm fine with anything."

As Newt got up to set up the movie, you grabbed some microwavable popcorn from your cupboard. The kernels popped one by one, until it was a cacophony clawing at your ears. You pulled the bag from the microwave, and you were overwhelmed by the smell of artificial butter.

Once you had poured the popcorn into a bowl, you came back to the living room where Newt was sprawled on the couch, black remote in hand. He welcomed you into his arms, and you lay together as the movie turned on.


"Oh my god! That is a horrible idea!" you yelled at the screen, slamming your hand down on a pillow to convey your frustration "No, stop it! I said stop!"

Newt was smirking at you "Y/N, darling, they can't hear you" you turned back to him and stuck your tongue out, before returning your gaze back to the TV. Newt started coughing heavily, and you rested your hand on his back in reassurance. Once his coughing fit was over you brought your hand up and rested it on the side of his face

"I'm sorry I got you sick" your thumb ran circles across his cheekbones, as you whispered softly, no longer paying attention to the film.

He shook his head, looking up at you with luminous brown eyes. They were filled with an intense intelligence and kindness that took your breath away.

"Don't be" he shifted so you were rested against his chest. "Trust me love, there's nowhere I'd rather be than here," he pressed a tender kiss to the top of your head.




Since you had hardly slept due to your discomfort and sickness, your eyes were already falling shut by the end of you and Newt's movie marathon. He smiled down at you, watching you more than the film.

Once the credits had rolled, he shut off the TV and stood up, turning back to face you as you burrowed into the couch, your body screaming exhaustion. He chuckled lightly, and bent over and picked you up, almost as if you weighed nothing. Although he didn't look it at first glance, Newt was strong.

You hung from his arms like a bride, your head lulled backwards. You grumbled slightly, but didn't wake. He walked swiftly back to your bedroom, and as carefully as possible he set you down against your soft bed sheets. You immediately rolled to your side, face pressed to your pillow. Newt knelt beside you, and kissed you softly on the lips.

"Goodnight Y/N," Newt said lovingly, before shutting off the light.


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