you must eat // 3

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The Box moved upwards at a sickening pace, and you couldn't ignore the pain in your head or the fear rooted in your stomach. You couldn't remember a goddamn thing, not one single memory. The more you tried, the more panicked you became, until you were positive the metal box would never stop and you would die alone and confused, the only fact you could cling to would be that the box went up infinitely.

Your fingers tangled in your hair, you tried to steady your breathing. I don't even know my own name. It was a thought so true, you almost started crying. Who am I? That question, among many, seemed ever so relevant as you sat in the dark, the only sound your heartbeat and the screeching of metal around you.

Abruptly, it stopped. Completely stopped. And you were filled with a sense of relief and fear. What if what lay beyond the enclosed walls of your prison was worse than being trapped inside? You sat in darkness for a moment, unsure if you wanted to escape or not.

Suddenly lights blinded you, and you fell back to the ground, and you were consumed with a nauseous feeling. As soon as your eyes adjusted you saw figures-boys-peering down at you from above. Their faces were blurry, but one single face came into focus as he jumped into the box with you.

"Bloody hell. It's a girl," he turned his elegant features back towards the other boys, they all looked equally shocked. Once he'd recovered he held out his hand to help you up. "Welcome to the Glade, Greenie." it took you a second to realize he was addressing you. You just nodded, because you didn't know what to say.

He helped you climb out of the box, and you whirled around, taking in the stone walls and the acres of grass. It was gorgeous. A boy walked towards you, he looked older than the rest, and carried himself in such a way you knew he was in charge.

"I'm Alby, the shank who runs this place. What's your name?"

Embarrassed you said "I honestly don't know" you looked down at the ground, scared to make eye contact with anyone for too long.

"That's normal, we all have no memories, just like you. Your name will come back," you nodded. He pointed to the boy who pulled you from the box. "That's Newt, he'll be giving you the tour since I have other things to take care of," and with that everyone dispersed, leaving only you and Newt. But you could feel their eyes lingering on you, as if you were something completely foreign.

He waved his hand as if for you to follow. And you did, staying quiet mostly as he explained the ways of this place. The Glade it was called. You didn't really ask questions, you just waited to find out the truth or have someone else exploit it.

Newt was kind, and out of all the strange things the day had held, you didn't mind Newt. He wasn't looking at you the way the other guys were. You muttered under your breath "You'd think they'd never seen a girl before," you didn't actually intend Newt to hear but he did.

"They haven't. Or not in their collective memory at least." this made you stop walking and face Newt.


"You're the first girl to come up the Box," that couldn't be. But now that you thought about it you hadn't seen any girls since you arrived.

"Oh," and with that you trudged on, unsure how you felt about being the only girl in a world of boys.


It had been months since you'd arrived. You didn't really mind being the only girl. Mostly you got special treatment-going to the front of lines, not having to work as long, and getting a nice single room in the Homestead. Everyone flirted with you, everyone liked you, but at the end of the day you couldn't have been more lonely. You knew that the only reason anyone liked you was strictly because you were female. No one paid attention to you for who you truly were.

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