pity party // 16 pt. 1

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A/N: This is an AU, therefore it is not set in the Glade, it's set in the real world. Wow, okay, this is probably awful and I'm sorry to put you through this. But I mean, I hope you like it anyways. It's based on the song Pity Party written by Melanie Martinez (whose debut album Cry Baby came out two days ago!!!) This will be a 3 or 4 part affair, so hold onto your hats ladies and gentlemen! I'm back in the biz (finally)

You pressed the send button hesitantly, and were flooded with a mixture of fear and excitement.

You used to have friends. It was the classic tale: kids meet in preschool, become best friends in Kindergarten, braid each others hair in middle school, go through the awkward transformation into the teenage years together, and then they stay best friends forever and live happily ever after.

Only your story goes differently.

All the sudden your friends stopped communicating with you, didn't invite you to sleepovers, didn't talk to you about boys, or the newest episodes of Teen Wolf. You could just feel the coldness emanating off them in waves. And as people who you'd spent your whole life with, it hurt. It hurt really badly.

Turns out you were the replaceable friend.

And that's just what they did - replaced you with a pretty ginger girl named Carmen, who played everyone in this school like they were puppets. She was smart, cunning, vicious, much like a snake. You were not like Carmen. You weren't exciting or hip or whatever it was that made everyone like her so much. You were just you. Apparently that wasn't good enough any more.

Without your pack of friends you had grown invisible. Without them you didn't know where to go. And it went from cold to freezing. They wouldn't even look at you, which was bizarre considering they were the girls who had the other halves of that stupid pizza friendship necklace from you'd bought at Claire's (they were the only ones that had enough for all of you)

And having no friends was lonely, it really was. So that's how you got your hopes fixated on a group of friends called the Gladers.

You weren't exactly sure why they were called the Gladers, but ever nobody questioned them. They had the perfect status in a school like this. They were not considered popular but at the same time everyone knew who they were. They were not ignored, but everyone mostly left them alone. And at the very core of the Gladers, was Newt.

He was this charming, attractive, funny, kind boy, with dirty blonde hair and an easy smile. He had moved here from England a few years ago, so he still had this cute British accent that could break down almost anyone's defenses. You couldn't think of a single person who disliked him. But you could think of multiple people who adored him. One of whom, was you.

But it wasn't just him that drew you to that group, it was all of them. They all had this allure to them. Like they were too good to belong in this dumb little high school. They seemed like book characters, the kind that triumphed in the end. Or died trying.

And they were kind to you. Kind meaning they didn't ignore you or treat you rudely, which was a start. You had quite a few classes with each of them, so you sending them invitations to your birthday party wasn't weird, right?


Well, either way, there was no turning back. You'd already pressed send and your life was either about to light up like a Christmas tree or set itself on fire. Either one of those options felt better than spending your birthday alone.


"Hey, Y/N! Wait up!" Your heart froze in all the senses of that cliche term. Froze, stopped, halted. You pivoted on your heel and saw Newt striding up towards you. You waited until he'd caught up, smiling slightly, unsure of what else to do.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi," you replied, looking up at him with a steady gaze.

He matched your smile, only his was brighter and more brilliant than yours could ever be. "I just wanted to thank you for the invitation. I'm really glad you invited us."


So they all had gotten their invites.

"Does that mean you guys can come?" you asked hesitantly, afraid that he would say that they all had to 'respectfully decline'. But he just nodded in confirmation. "Wow. Uh, awesome." You bit your lip. "I'm glad."

He chuckled. "Well, I'll see you around then." He brushed past you, flashing yet another smile that danced up his face and rested in his eyes. His shoulder brushed against yours lightly as he left.

Your heart froze.


A/N: Well, I hope that wasn't too awful. This chapter or installment or whatever was just a set up for the rest of the story. There's something a lot more...interesting...to come. I hope you guys liked it, because this imagine is fairly near and dear to me. I wrote it while I was camping and my brother was being a total dick, so I just hid in the car and started listening to this song over and over again. Anyways, I'll see you on the flipside homeskillets!


I have to tell you all something important and unfortunate. I will no longer be taking requests or doing the ones I already have (I am so so so sorry) but it's too much stress, and it takes away my favorite part of writing these (the creative imaginative part). So I've decided just to stop doing them.


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