Obsidian come home

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(All those reading this know this contains a mention of rape and you should skip Amethyst's first conversation with Gaster)

Steven: okay lets go amethyst2.

Amethyst2: Steven my names fighter Puma remember. Okay.

Steven: right and we all know my name.

Amethyst2: let's go.

Mr. Smiley: okay now introducing our newest team Its there first time in this circuit The fighter Puma (Amethyst2) and our newest-mewest competitor tiger millionaire (Steven)! *the crowd boos* Facing off against our construction team from last night give it up for Concrete Heat and Chunk-Truck! *the boos quickly change to cheers*

the camera zooms out to show Lars and Sadie in the back.

Lars: that little guy's gonna get creamed.

Sadie: From here he kind of looks like Steven.

???: and you shouldn't count out the little guys.

they're both spooked and turn to the direction of the voice to see Gaster.

Gaster: mind if I sit down I'm trying to avoid someone.

Sadie: sure.

Lars: Whatever. *looks forward as Gaster sits down* Anyway there is no way that guy is Steven.

Gaster: you seriously don't see the resemblance. *holds up a phone with a picture of Steven and compares it to tiger millionaire* they look exactly the same he just slicked his hair back, put on a tiger nose, and overalls.

???: mind if I sit down

they look over to see another teen

???: names amelia *holds out hand to Gaster for him to shake which he does*

Gaster: W.D. Gaster. *she sits down and watches the fight*

(Steven pov)

After some strange cheering from the crowd I start getting in the ring only to be stopped by Amethyst2

Amethyst2: *quietly says so only Steven can here* Steven wait I can handle these guys Amethyst we need you here to qualify you don't need to fight and we want to make sure you're safe.

Steven: Can I still wear the suit and tie.

Amethyst2: sure bud

Steven: *quietly* Yes.

Amethyst2 stands in the ring ready to fight his opponents getting in the same stance as Gaster did. He rushes toward them throwing a punch at Chunk-trunk only to get blinded by a traffic cone. then he grabs the side and pulls it apart and punches Concrete Heat. This evolves into a dust brawl with mild assistance from Steven for about five minutes until the fight ended. meanwhile Amethyst is talking to Gaster posing as a teen.

(Amethyst pov)

Amethyst: 'I gotta figure out why he left there is no way I can just flat out ask him because he'd never answer that question so I gotta make it so that he has to bring it up. hmm...... *gasp* I got it okay I just need to look really depressed and cross my arms' *puts hand to chin frowns and sighs. As Gaster sees this*

Gaster: Whats wrong Amelia.

Amethyst: Nothing I just my friend has been missing for a while and I miss him.

Gaster: so why did you come here.

Amethyst: my friend loves wrestling but I haven't seen him I've looked over this place twenty times and haven't seen a sign he was here.

Gem's rebirth (male reader x Steven universe)Where stories live. Discover now