36. Twoset Choreographers X

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Brett furrowed his brows, he was barely awake and wondered why he heard a female voice calling out Eddy's name. Brett didn't even know where he was. The surface he slept on felt terribly hard. Brett tried to wake up to find his bearings as he tried equally hard to remember where the heck he was. And what the hell was all this heavy stuff on top of him!?

Brett grabbed the heavy thing that was on top of his chest and flung it off. It turned out to be a ridiculously heavy arm. He also gently kicked off something really heavy that was on top of his legs, cutting off his blood circulation. It was a much more strenuous task than removing the arm. As it turned out, the object on top of his legs was another leg.

"Ugh, no wonder it was so f*ckin' heavy. ...Hey Eddy.. I think I heard your mum or sister's voice.."

Eddy groaned and rolled away, Brett was certain not a word got through to him.

Brett then heard footsteps descending the stairs and he quickly sat up. He placed his hand on Eddy's shoulders and gave him a nudge.

"Eddy.. wake up. Someone is coming down the stairs."

Brett then heard a young female voice right outside the tent.


Brett quickly unzipped the tent and poked his head out.

"Hi. You must be Brett."

Brett looked up. He saw a blur of a person, so out of focus that he could not read their facial expression.

Brett repeatedly blinked as he stammered.

"H, hi.. um, s, sorry, please just let me go grab my glasses..."

Brett scuttled back inside the tent. When he poked his face out of the tent again, he had his glasses on and was able to see the face.

"Yes. Oh hi, good morning, um.. so.. you must be Eddy's sister. I'm Brett."

"I'm Belle."

"Hi Belle. How was the piano workshop?"

Belle smiled.

"It was great. I learnt a lot. I love workshops and masterclasses. It's important to see, listen and try different things, isn't it? It was a real eye-opening experience."

"That sounds great."

"So.. how come you guys are sleeping in a tent?"

"Trying to keep the cockroach at bay. We had an encounter last night. Eddy wasn't happy."

"Oh god, I can imagine what he was like.  What a nightmare. Hope he wasn't too much trouble."

"Oh I managed to flick it away."


"The cockroach."

Belle let out a chuckle."

"I thought you were referring to my brother."

Brett let out a chuckle, too.

"No, I didn't have to flick Eddy away, he wasn't too much trouble. Got a bit panicky, but he was okay."

"So, how exactly is that brother of mine?"

"Eddy's still asleep."

"No, I meant how is he as a dancer?"

"Oh. Um.. he's.. interesting. Really interesting."

Belle smirked.

"Isn't that just a somewhat nicer way to talk about someone who's still very rough around the edges?"

Brett grimaced.

"Oh.. b, but I think most people can't dance like Eddy even if they tried. His style is unique and quite extraordinary."

Belle grinned.

"Wow, that's quite a compliment. Sounds like my brother is one of a kind."

Brett smiled.

"That he is."

"Brett, wasn't it? I remember now.  Eddy's been a big fan of you for a while."

Brett raised his eyebrows.

"..He has?"

"He sure has. One day he just barged into my room, insisted I watch one of your videos dancing. He then asked me to help him convince our mum to let him join that dance studio. Said he wanted to learn how to move like you"

"You mean dance like me?"

"I think he knew he wouldn't be able to do that.  But perhaps aim to move somewhat like how you do."

"Oh.. wow.. um.. now that is quite a compliment..Though personally, I think his style is extraordinary."

Belle winked.

"Perhaps you're a one of a kind too"

Brett gave a shy smile.

"Um.. thanks."

"Anyway, Brett, our mum wants him awake. May I?"

Belle cracked her knuckles. Brett widened his eyes.

"Um.. can I have one more go at waking him?"

Belle let a smirk escape her lips.

".. Sure. Suit yourself. Gotta warn you though, it's not an easy task. Tell him I'll walke him if he doesn't after your last attempt."


Brett pulled his head back into the tent and started shaking Eddy as he hissed his name.

"Eddy!! Eddy!!"

Eddy groaned again and rolled away to the side of the tent. Brett rolled his eyes and lowered himself and whispered into Eddy's ear.

"Belle said it's her turn if I can't wake you up."

Eddy's eyes shot open and he robotically replied.

"I'm up. I'm awake."

Eddy sat up. His hair was like a birds' nest.

Brett wondered what brutal tactics Eddy's sister would use to wake up her brother. Between yawns, Eddy stammered.

"...Wha..t time.. is it.. Brett...?"

"Eight. Geez your mum and sister must have come back early for us."

Eddy crawled to the opening of the tent and poked his head out.
"..Mornin' Belle."


"..Oh shut uuuup...!!"

Whatever argument the siblings were having, Brett was only able to listen to half of it. Eddy pulled his head back into the tent and rolled his eyes.

"What was that all about ?"

Eddy shifted his gaze towards Brett and mumbled;

"Nothing. Ugh, I'm still so sleepy..."

He let himself collapse onto the heap of sleeping bags and closed his eyes.

"I hope you aren't going back to sleep in there Eddy! I was just starting to tell Brett what an avid fan you've been of him..."


Eddy's scream was loud enough to make Brett flinch.

Eddy sprung up and rushed out of the tent. His sister screamed and had already made a head start up the stairs.

Brett heard footsteps rushing up the stairs and the door slam. He hoped he wasn't "locked in the basement" again and decided to quickly go upstairs and join them before he was abandoned or forgotten..!

A/N: This concludes the short story of Twoset Choreographers. Thank you always for your support.

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