Chapter XI

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POV shift: GeminiTay
“She did nothing! I was standing right next to her as that message appeared, she’s innocent!” Gem defended Pearl when Hypno looked threateningly at her. Pearl nodded, but just as she was about to say something her whole body flickered and she collapsed on the floor. Hypno flinched and Gem rushed to Pearl, sat down on her knees and checked Pearl’s (Im)pulse.

“Pearl?” she said, just to see if Pearl would respond. She didn’t. Her body flickered again and Gem picked up her communicator to tell Xisuma.

We have found Hypno, but a bunch of weird things is happening and Pearl is unconscious. Come as quickly as you can, we’re at Hypno’s base.

Alright, I’m on my way.

Gem put her communicator back in her pocket and then looked at Hypno.

“Do you have any bed in this place?”

“Yes,” Hypno responded, and carefully picked up Pearl just to put her in a bed. Pearl’s body flickered once again and Hypno lost his grip of her, making her fall to the floor.

“Well this isn’t good,” Gem commented, and pushed Hypno away from Pearl so she could grab her instead. Gem successfully managed to put Pearl on the bed without dropping her, other than Hypno. They stood there for a while, not sure what to do. Hypno seemed to be very interested of his fingers, and Gem kept an eye on Pearl to make sure she didn’t get worse. They heard a bunch of fireworks being fired and the swooshing sound of an elytra. Xisuma basically stormed in as he ran towards Pearl and looked down at her, gritting his teeth.

Xisuma muttered something to himself that Gem wasn’t able to hear and then used his communicator to enter the place where all the codes could be found. He looked really concentrated and Gem nor Hypno didn’t dare to make a move that could possibly disturb him. Gem still held an eye on Pearl, who was flickering more often than before. Xisuma finally put his communicator back in his pocket, but he didn’t look happy.

“I don’t understand how any of this could have happened,” he frowned.

“What have you found?” Hypno asked, looking both scared of what he would say and curious.

“Give me the full story of when you found Hypno. Now,” Xisuma demanded, and Gem hesitated.

“Hypno, I’m sorry, but could you please leave us for a bit? Please, it’s important,” Gem begged, and Hypno didn’t seem to mind.

“Sure, does it have anything to do with the fact that Pearl asked me if she was a human?” Hypno shrugged, then left his base and used his elytra to fly away. Gem turned to Xisuma.

“So basically, when we got to Hypno’s base we found him lying on the floor with a gag. He looked really scared of something, and when I took of the gag it turns out he was scared of Pearl. He told her to get away from him, and then claimed that she wasn’t human. Then he was about to tell us what he saw, but he got a blank look on the face and then everything in the room was pure confusing. He found out about Pearl ‘killing’ him and as I defended her she collapsed and flickered,” Gem summarized.

“This is not good. Not good at all,” Xisuma commented and looked down on his communicator again.

“Will Pearl wake up again?” Gem wanted to know, a concerned expression on her face.

“Yes,” Xisuma replied simply. “But I don’t know when. I need to think about this for a while, and then I’ll make my decision. Can you take care of Pearl?”

“Of course, we need the path lady to be alright!” Gem exclaimed, and Xisuma nodded.

“Good. Because I’m starting to think the rumour is more than a rumour.”


What in the dancing chicken nuggets world is happening right now? I just thanked you for almost 400 reads and now I have over half a thousand? I- and almost 100 votes too? You are literally the best of the best <3

I’m so proud of Gem for coming out of the closet! If you didn’t know she came out as bi a couple of days ago, and I support her fully! I mean, what would you expect, you are reading a book by an omniromantic demigirl (I think, gender and sexuality are confusing) right now.

A lot of things will be happening in the next few chapters, so stay tuned for that!

Adventure still awaits, y’know

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