42. Morning.

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I woke up before Draco surprisingly which gives me a chance to take a shower.


I slipped out of bed and into the bathroom. I turned on the hot water and stripped out of my night clothes before hopping into the steaming water.

I sighed in relief as the water ran down my hair and back letting my thoughts take over for a moment.

I'm glad me and Draco got to leave a day early.

Another year done.

Don't get me wrong 5th year was definitely one for the books. I mean I met Draco and had lots of Rendezvous with him.

The year started off a little rocky but once I found my group of people besides Pansy and Blaise everything went wonderful... sort of.

I almost forgot I dated Fred for a bit and then Draco made him break up with me. Sneaky bitch.

I found out I have elementum powers. Pretty fucking cool if I do say so myself.

I smelled Draco in the Amortentia potion, he smelled me but didn't want to admit it.

I broke my ribs. That was interesting, then right after I healed, Draco asked me to the ball.

After the ball I got kidnapped by my own father. The snake bitch turned me into a death eater. Then he tells me to kill my best friend? Still makes no sense to me.

I really hope Blaise is doing okay. I miss him so god damn much. He helped me through everything till the day he died. The day I killed him. He understood though which takes a lot. He wouldn't hurt a soul and I'm the one who had to hurt him. I should've been the one to die.

Draco was so mad, I would be too. But when I went to the manor for Christmas break and saw him, he looked at me and his eyes were black. He looked at me like he wanted to kill me himself. It was scary.

I'm glad he eventually forgave me. I don't know what I would do if he didn't.

I looked down at the snake ring he gave me.

He really does know what I like doesn't he. He's perfect.

Anyways, after Christmas Voldemort called me again and I sliced my arm open. Ouch. Draco finally found out I'm a death eater.

I killed Umbridge as well, that is the only murder I was happy about.

I joined the order with Harry. Almost got tortured to death. That was fun.

Just recently I killed Ron, now I'm here standing in this nice steaming hot shower alone, drowning in my thoughts.

I really hope this summer will be full of freedom and fun.

I don't know how long I've been in this shower but I should probably get out and see if Draco has forgotten about me.

I stepped out of the shower and looked around for a towel.

All the towels were missing.

"What the fuck?" I said as I began to shiver.

I unlocked the door and stuck my head out. Draco is still sleeping and there is no towel in sight.

"Draco." I whisper shouted but he didn't move.

"Draco!" I shouted a bit louder. He move a little but his back faced me so I can't see anything.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy where did you put the towels?" I know he's awake. He doesn't move like that in his sleep.

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